How schools deal with the "crisis" of childhood trauma


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By Elizabeth Chuck and Marshall Crook

YAKIMA, Wash. – Instead of going out for recess last Friday, fifth grade student Thomas Stevenson walked down a hallway to the Ridgeview Elementary School and entered a dimly lit room.

Inside, aromatherapy with lavender filled the air, a spa-like music was played and a projector broadcast clouds on a screen. Passing through bean chairs on the floor and chess games on tables, Thomas picked up Legos and began building a complex structure.

Thomas, 11, was spending his holidays in this reconverted classroom, known as the Quiet Room, by choice. At his previous school, he often fought on the playground. His first academic suspension was held in kindergarten, the year of his parents' divorce. both parents had addiction problems and his father was briefly incarcerated.

The troubles at home caused difficulties at school. In fourth year, he was suspended five times.

Since his transfer to Ridgeview in the fall, he has not been suspended at all – partly because of his work in the Calm Hall.

"People talk about my mom, that's what I was fighting earlier," said Thomas, whose mother had been clean since 2009 and who is now an addiction and alcohol counselor herself. "It's good to be a child who does not quarrel anymore."

Jeff Clark, a school counselor at Ridgeview, created the Quiet House in January 2018 as a space where students can get help to manage their emotions, including talking to an adult, or to talk to an adult. they wish it.

"Some kids want to focus on solving the problem. some kids just need a safe space to reset themselves, "Clark said.

The room is open to all students, but is specifically designed for people with home problems, such as abuse, neglect or divorce – stressors that are among those classified by the Centers. control and prevention of the disease as adverse experiences in childhood, or ACE.

Across the country, where more and more people understand the trauma of childhood, they are able to focus in class or stay healthy in adulthood, a growing number Schools are moving away from traditional forms of discipline, such as suspensions or expulsions, and experimenting with new ways to solve behavior problems. This includes encouraging educators to understand why students are acting; create spaces where students can practice yoga or play with sensory toys, such as stress balls or sparkling bottles, to calm down; and the implementation of positive reinforcement systems, such as offering rewards such as ice cream for good behavior.


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