How the exploitation of asteroids will save the Earth – and billions of billions of people


"After several space tours for third parties, perhaps on six-month or one-year contracts, it is likely that some workers are joining forces to start their own business," Suarez said. "Either to meet the needs of a growing number of workers and companies in the space, either to market services on Earth or to launch themselves as start-ups in the field of asteroid mining . "

Overall, it begins to give the impression that the Internet economy is more beneficial to the human race. Not a moment too early. Previously, I have written many times about mining asteroids, touting each time the huge potential wealth that it seems likely to gain. And each time, my readers have had a feeling of anxiety, the feeling that we are taking our rapacious capitalist ways and exploiting space.

While in truth, it is exactly the version of capitalism that humanity has always needed: that where there is no ecosystem to destroy, no marginalized group to make miserable. A safe and dead space where the most enthusiastic pioneers of capitalism can be completely crazy, as long as they clean up their garbage.

(The space junk is a real problem in the orbital space because it brings together thousands of vulnerable satellites very close to each other around our little blue rock.The big void of the cislunary space is less.)

And as they are generating the full wealth of their commodities market, we can certainly afford to focus less on the growth of our stock market right here. Perhaps even as we murmur low, we can afford a fully functioning social safety net, as well as free health care and free education for everyone on the planet.

This is also clearly the area in which we should have concentrated space exploration. If we settle on Mars, we risk disrupting the undiscovered native bacteria – and as the character Nathan Joyce shouts to a group of "obsessed by Mars" entrepreneurs in Delta-v, Mars is basically filled with toxic sand and therefore seems more and more impossible to colonize. (Sorry, Mark Watney from The Martian, those potatoes would probably kill you.)

As we have already noted, interstellar colonization is complete. The Cislunar space and the asteroids close to the Earth are there. And it's almost certainly where you are.

I hope you have a lot of fun up there and that you are inspired by new geek dreams that we can not even imagine, despite the gravity of the past.

Your hope encrusted with diamonds,



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