MDC is an ever-fatal disease that leaves the brain with holes. What is this condition always fatal and how do people fight against its spread?

While more than 20 states have reported cases of animal disease causing brain dieback and called "zombie disease", authorities are concerned that humans will be affected.

Reports on disease control and prevention centers report chronic debilitating disease in deer, elk and / or moose in at least 24 states and two Canadian provinces since the beginning of the year. There are no vaccines or treatments available for the disease, which is always deadly.

"It is likely that human cases of chronic debilitating disease associated with the consumption of contaminated meat will be documented in the coming years," said Michael Osterholm, director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota. . "It is possible that the number of human cases is substantial and not an isolated event."

To date, no case of MDC has been reported in humans, but research suggests that this represents a risk to humans.

Here's what the CDC says you should know about MDC prevention:

Do not touch the kill road.

People should not handle or eat meat from dead animals. Also, do not shoot or handle a deer or elk that is acting strangely. Animals infected with MDC could be extremely skinny, tripping and apathetic. If you see an animal that appears to be sick, take note of its location and contact wildlife officials.

Test the deer before eating meat.

Some states recommend or require hunters to test their cervids or elk before eating their meat. But even a test can only detect MDC at a certain stage. There is no test to say definitively that the animal is negative for the disease, notes Texas Parks and Wildlife. Information about your state's recommendations is available from state wildlife agencies.

More: Deer disease "zombie": what is it and could it affect humans?

More: Deer disease & # 39; Zombie & # 39; is present in 24 states and thousands of infected deer are consumed each year, warns an expert

Wear gloves to dress a deer on the ground.

The CDC recommends wearing latex or rubber gloves when handling a hunted animal and its meat. In addition, minimize the time spent on touching organs such as the brain and spinal cord tissue. Never use knives or household utensils to dress yourself in the field. Always wash your hands and disinfect the hunting instruments after use.

Treat the meat individually.

Hunters whose deer or elk are commercially processed may ask if their animals can be processed individually to avoid any risk of contamination.

Contributor: Karen Chávez, Sarah Bowman and Ryan Miller. Follow Ashley May on Twitter: @AshleyMayTweets

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