Huge "strange" planet that is "unlike any other" discovered


Astronomers have spotted a giant exoplanet that could not be compared to any other.

The new planet, called HR 5183b, has a mass three times that of Jupiter and runs a long, egg-shaped path around its star.

According to Caltech, it takes 45 to 100 years for the planet to orbit its sun.

"If this planet was somehow placed in our own solar system, it would switch from the inside of our asteroid belt to the outside of Neptune," Caltech said in a statement.

"This planet does not look like the planets of our solar system, but even more so, it does not look like any other exoplanet we've discovered so far.

"The other planets detected far from their stars tend to have very low eccentricities, which means that their orbits are more circular.The fact that this planet has such a high eccentricity says a lot about how it looks like. is formed or evolved compared to other planets. "

The study of scientists on the newly discovered planet will be published in The Astronomical Journal, according to Fox News.

n illustration comparing
An illustration comparing the "eccentric" orbit of HR 5183B with the more circular orbits of the planets of our own solar system. Photo / W. M. Keck Observatory

The Lick Observatory in Northern California, the W. Keck Observatory in Hawaii and the McDonald Observatory in Texas have all provided data for the study.

While the star of the planet, HR 5183, had been studied since the 90s, the epic journey of HR 5183B meant that the experts lacked complete information about their orbit.

"This planet spends most of its time strolling in the outer part of the planetary system of its star in this very eccentric orbit, then begins to accelerate and make a sling jump around its star," Andrew Howard said. , professor of astronomy at Caltech California Planet Search.

"We have detected this slingshot movement, we have seen the planet come in and now it is about to disappear.This creates a signature so distinctive that we can be sure that it is all right. a real planet, even if we have not yet seen a complete orbit. "

Experts believe that the planet's strange orbit is likely as it has taken another planet of similar size out of the solar system.

"This newly found planet would basically come in as a ball of destruction," Howard said in his release. "Hit anything to get out of the system."


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