If you have this symptom of COVID, don’t go to Thanksgiving, says Dr Fauci


You’ve probably heard that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC); the country’s leading infectious disease doctor, Anthony Fauci, MD; and countless other medical experts are warning that it’s best to stay home on Thanksgiving Day as the number of COVID continues to climb to record levels. But they also know that some people may still be tempted to celebrate one of the most beloved holidays of the year. In a recent interview with The Washington Post Robert costa, Fauci explained that “each individual family should do … a risk-benefit assessment of the risk you’re willing to take in terms of traveling and getting together in the usual warm atmosphere of 10, 15, 20 people at a dinner party. at home.” He also reminded people that the best option is to reserve Thanksgiving dinner for “members of the [your] However, Costa stressed that it’s still important for Americans to “be vigilant even in small settings” as subtle symptoms could mean you’re contagious to members of your immediate family or household. Read on to see which subtle sign of COVID Fauci says he knows about, and to learn more about how the holidays could affect us down the line, find out when we find out how bad the Thanksgiving wave is.

“Obviously, the early symptoms of COVID-19 disease are very similar to flu-like illness,” Fauci said. But there is one factor in particular that sets the two viruses apart: anosmia, loss of smell.

Although this was not initially considered a symptom of coronavirus, Fauci said that “many people now have this curious loss of smell and taste” when infected with COVID-19. Indeed, according to a study by University College London published in October, 80% of patients with COVID show loss of smell, making it one of the strongest indicators of the virus before it is even tested. .

“Our results show that the loss of smell and taste is a very reliable indicator that a person is likely to have COVID-19”, Rachel Batterham, MD, head of the study at University College London and University College London hospitals, said in a statement. “People who notice a loss in their ability to smell household odors such as garlic, coffee and perfumes on a daily basis should self-isolate and get tested by PCR.”

Fauci has listed five other “telltale” signs that you might be infected with the virus. “If any of the [the following] symptoms appear, people have to be careful, “he said.” Stay home, try to get tested if you can to find out if you are infected or not.

He reiterated that “the best thing to do is stay at home”, warning that “it is better [to] be careful now and look forward to many more [holidays] in the future than endangering yourself or a vulnerable member of your family or friends. “

Read on for other symptoms of COVID that Fauci said to look for, and for more on how to tell if you have the virus, check out If you can’t smell these 2 things, you might have COVID.

Read the original article on Better life.



While Fauci called the fever an obvious sign, he cautioned that it was not a safety indicator. “I don’t think you need to rely on a fever – that if you don’t have a fever you’re fine. Because a lot of people in the very early period don’t have a fever,” said Fauci. And for more recent COVID developments, check out These are the side effects of the COVID vaccine doctors are concerned about.


Sore throat

Young man with a sore throat
Young man with a sore throat

The second subtle sign? “Something like a sore throat, kind of scratching sensation,” Fauci warns. A sore throat is listed by the CDC as one of the main symptoms of COVID-19.



common illness
common illness

An early report from China found nasal congestion was present in only 4.8% of COVID-19 patients, but Fauci said “some fullness in your upper airways” could be a sign that something is happening. prepare. And for more regular coronavirus updates, sign up for our daily newsletter.


Muscle aches

Woman rubbing her back
Woman rubbing her back

Muscle aches are another key sign of COVID, especially in conjunction with the other symptoms. A self-organized group of coronavirus patients in the Body Politic COVID-19 support group investigated the range of symptoms they were experiencing. Their results showed that 83.5% of the patients had muscle aches.



An older woman lying in bed covering her eyes with her arm because she is tired.
An older woman lying in bed covering her eyes with her arm because she is tired.

Fauci advised people to be vigilant and not ignore possible warnings from their bodies, including fatigue, which can easily be attributed to other issues. “If someone walks in and says, ‘You know, I feel a little confused today… I feel a little sore,’ that’s a telltale sign,” he said. And to learn more about the latest news with COVID-19 in your area, find out how severe the COVID outbreak is in your state.


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