10 Recipes of natural facial mask from fruits


Keeping the skin on our body is very important, not to mention using it with natural ingredients. The mask is also protected against chemicals that can damage the skin. How to manufacture is also very easy. Just buy the fruit that we want to use as a mask and can be directly used. No need to deal with other materials

There are 10 pieces that can be used as masks and very easy to find


This sweet fruit is able to restore and rejuvenate the skin. Papaya will help the face to become brighter as the dead skin cells come off automatically. The skin is dull, and the loose will peel it so that it becomes firmer and beautiful from the inside out.

How to make it

  • Simply mix your 50- 100 gr pepaya to taste
  • Add a little honey
  • Apply to the face and let it rest to dry for a few minutes
  • If you are already using a warm washcloth to make the skin cleaner.


This easy-to-find fruit can make skin softer and more toned. Very good to rejuvenate the skin and remove acne scars difficult to remove

How to do it

  • Take the banana ambo and crush the fruit
  • Add the oil of & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; Olive or honey with banana that has been destroyed.
  • face and leave for 30 minutes
  • Clean face with warm water wet cotton


This fruit is also very friendly to you who have a skin problem dried. Its high fat content can also help rejuvenate the skin to make it firmer and brighter.

How to prepare it

  • Take a half avocado and introduce it in a bowl
  • Add 1 egg jacket and add 1/4 cup of milk
  • ] Stir carefully until 39th it is in the form of a mask
  • After that apply on the face and let it sit for 15-30 minutes until the mask is dry
  • If it is remained washed with a warm glove


Gynecology vitamins A and C rich in tomatoes applied to the face will give the skin a more red and fresh appearance

How to do it

  • Slicing tomatoes
  • Rub on the face
  • Another way is to squeeze the tomatoes, take the water to coat on the face.


This unique fruit is very good at helping the skin of the body to be healthier and cleaner. Proven today many beauty products made from bengkoang, such as lotions and fruit masks

How to make

  • Wash and peel bengkoang
  • Use a blender to destroy bangkoang
  • Combine with a little honey and lemon juice
  • Apply on the face for about 30 minutes


In addition to being used as fresh vegetables, cucumbers or cucumbers can also help to correct facial beauty problems. Its utility is to smooth the skin either on the face or on other parts of the body.

How to do it

  • Mix the cucumber so that the cucumber is crushed.
  • Add the milk powder and water until the dough becomes more viscous. Or you can also add liquid milk without sugar (nature).
  • Apply on the face for about 30 minutes


Similar to lemon, lemon is also very powerful to overcome the problem of acne on the face.

  • Add honey to lemon juice in a ratio of 1: 1.
  • Apply to face and let stand 30 minutes
  • Wash face with lukewarm water
  • Can be used daily to get rid of acne
  • Kiwi

    This kiwifruit is very powerful to help improve health and prevent premature aging.

    The kiwifruit contains very high antioxidants and vitamin E, the content is very useful to protect the health of the skin and can help regenerate the skin

    This kiwi you can consume directly, even if this fruit has a Which is not tasty, but the properties contained in the kiwi is especially for health and beauty

    For those of you who want to prevent premature aging, should consume this kiwi every three times a week regularly and regularly. Strawberries

    This fruit contains vitamin C, as salicylic acid, vitamin E and K are very friendly with the skin of the face.

    How to do it

    • Mash strawberries with a spoon or fork
    • Can also be added with 1 teaspoon of honey.
    • Apply on the face.
    • Leave on for about 20 minutes.
    • Clean with hot water or rose water. Use cotton as


    The benefits of apples when they are used as a mask will help reduce the oil, especially for that greasy face that is perfect.

    How to make it

    • Destroy the apples with the help of a blender. Do not add mixed water
    • Apply evenly to the face and let stand for 30 minutes.

    The fruits above are easy to find, can be found in supermarkets, markets and roadside stands. Facial treatment does not need to spend hundreds and even millions. Because the results given will not last forever, only in a few weeks and may be addictive

    There is nothing wrong with trying and using natural ingredients to keep our skin, in addition to protecting it from various skin diseases. will provide better results, especially the facial skin is problematic (acne), it is the whole solution. Dull skin and black spots disappear from themselves. And produces healthy skin of all time. [Norma Yunita/DepokPos]



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