10 things about antibiotics, one of them is about why germs are becoming more and more immune to antibiotics


SERAMBINEWS.COM – Antibiotics are definitely not something foreign. However, how antibiotics should be used, not everyone knows.

Here are the writings of Dr. Handrawan Nadesul, 10 Things about Antibiotics, published in the NOVA Tabloid, January 2003 issue.

What are the benefits of antibiotics?

Antibiotics are chemical compounds designed to fight disease germs, especially germs. There are different types of germs, large sprouts, some small, with various properties.

Germs tend to nest in certain organs of the body in which they are found. Some like it in the brain, lungs, intestines, nerves, kidneys, stomach, skin or throat, among others.

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In the organs of the nesting place, certain germs cause an infection. The germs of typhus cause typhus in the intestine, the germs of tuberculosis in the lungs, in addition to being able to penetrate into the bones, kidneys, brain and skin.

Leprosy germs in nerves and skin, diphtheria germs in throat, tetanus in nerves and many others.

Initially, one type of penicillin antibiotic was discovered, and then sulfa, used to treat all infectious diseases.

Today, dozens of antibiotics have been found, belonging to the same family as well as to new types.

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Each antibiotic has its own ability to fight germs. Indeed, each family of germs has its own specific antidote.

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