KOMPAS.com – Cases of tapeworm infection in the human body recur. This time, the animal infected an 8-year-old girl in India.
Trushika, not his real name, was rushed to hospital after suffering a severe headache. The pain in his head has also been followed by epileptic seizures in the past six months.
In the beginning, this little girl was diagnosed with neurocysticercosis (cerebral cyst). This disease is considered the cause of his brain swell.
The swelling of his brain forced Trushika to consume prolonged steroids. Unfortunately, this has raised her weight from 40 kilograms to 60 kilograms
although, despite such heavy treatment, headaches and epileptic seizures have not subsided.
The doctor then decided to do a scan of the brain of this girl
The result is quite surprising, more than 100 tapeworm eggs housed in his brain.
"The brain scan of the girl shows more than a hundred white dots, formed by tapeworm eggs," said Dr. Praveen Gupta, director of the hospital's neurology department, quoted Times of India Monday (23/07/2018).
The possibility that eggs reach the brain through the bloodstream of the stomach.
Dr. Gupta recalls that the 39, infiltration of the tapeworm in the brain can be caused by the ingestion of unwashed fruit, or its yoran and undercooked meat infected by pork tapeworms
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"This kind of infection is caused by unintentionally eating foods that are filled with tapeworm. When eggs reach the brain through the nervous system, they cause neurocysticercosis (NCC) characterized by severe headaches, epileptic seizures and confusion, "he continues.
The World Health Organization (WHO) recognizes
According to the WHO, neurocysticercosis is the most commonly avoided cause of epilepsy in the world and is considered to be responsible for 30 % of all cases of epilepsy.
After experiencing the true condition of epilepsy (19659002) "Then steroids and tapeworm eggs were treated by starting an anthelmintic treatment with albendazole under observation" , said Dr. Gupta quoted from India today Monday (23/07/2018).
"Other steroids and the pure antihelminthic removed .He lost all weight gain and was able to walk, finally able to continue his studies."
Trushika's parents are very happy that his son can heal from this disease.
Similar cases
similar to a French woman in this case, a tapeworm nesting in the spine of a woman in France.
Unfortunately, we do not know how the woman was infected with tapeworms.
In February, a man in Florida USA The tapeworm and its 14 eggs nestle in his eyes.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the tapeworm infecting Florida man is Taenia solium.The parasitic worm comes from raw or immature pork. [19659027] function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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