2 children died of diphtheria, parents are asked not to reject vaccination


SEMARANG, KOMPAS.com – Mayor of Semarang, Central Java, Hendrar Prihadi asks his citizens not to refuse vaccination to avoid diphtheria disease.

Vaccination is considered the best prevention tool for children to prevent illness.

Up to now, 2 children from Semarang City have died because of a positive attack against diphtheria in the past two months.

In addition, 5 other residents were treated for the attack of the disease.

"The prevention of primary diphtheria is an immunization, the supply of diphtheria vaccine in the city of Semarang is sufficient," said Hendrar Friday (20/7/2018).

See also: [HOAKS] Red Zone Region Diphtheria in Semarang

Hendrar claimed, 7 children who are infected with this diphtheria since birth have not immunized. Therefore, he asked the parents not to refuse when the child will be vaccinated.

"So the 7 children when the baby was not vaccinated, it's because his parents refused," he added.

Immunization of Diphtheria

In the Genukari Subdistrict, Genuk District, a number of children were simultaneously vaccinated in RW Local Hall

at RW 03 Village of Dong Biru, sub-district of Genuksari. . In the area, children aged 1 to 12 are vaccinated in the local meeting room.

In RW 03, there are at least 426 children participating in diphtheria vaccination

See also: An eight-month-old infant at Banda Aceh Positive Diphtheria

Urban Village of Genuksari, Sutrisno said simultaneous immunization in almost his entire area of ​​78 RT and 11 RW. Vaccination is done so that outbreaks of diphtheria do not infect other children.

"Last night, yesterday, the directors of Posyandu and RT-RT came together to break the chain of the diphtheria virus, because there were five children infected with diphtheria," he said. , t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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