20 ways to tighten the skin of the face it seems ageless


Jakarta Who would not want to have a toned and supple skin? Men and women would like it. Unfortunately, as we age, the skin can lose its elasticity because the regenerative capacity of the skin decreases. This causes the appearance of fine lines on the face such as around the nose, mouth, cheeks and the eye area as well as laceration of the facial skin. As a result, the skin of the face seems older.

Many ways are then taken to keep the skin firm despite aging. Starting by using beauty products that are useful for shaking your face, go to the beauty clinic, to perform plastic surgery. Although there is a sure way you can do to restore the firmness of the skin. Summarized by Liputan6.com (18/7), here's how.

How to tighten the facial skin of men and women naturally to stay young

1. Lime

Lime is rich in antioxidants and vitamin C. This will help the skin to avoid acne, to lighten the face, to overcome excess oil, to remove dead cells and firm the skin. With the benefits of lifting these dead cells, lime is considered a way to tighten the skin naturally. Apply lemon juice to face and let stand 15 minutes

2. Lemon

Oranges are rich in antioxidants and the next vitamin C is lemon. Not only that, in lemon also contained alpha-hydroxy acid that can keep free radicals in the skin. Lemon can also be used as a way to tighten the skin of the face. Applying lemon juice to your face and leaving it for 15 minutes, the pores close.

3. Oranges

Oranges that you usually eat meat can also be one of the alternative ways to naturally tighten the skin. Instead of eating meat, squeeze the lemon juice and apply it to your face. Do it regularly then the pores in your face will close so that it looks smaller.

4. Orange Skin

Compared to its fruits, orange peel is found to contain more vitamin C. So for those who like eat oranges, do not hunted removed his skin. Orange skin that you can use as a useful facial mask to tighten the skin of the face

The trick is to dry the orange skin until it's be completely dry. Then crush the orange peel until smooth. Mix with water until it is a paste. Then apply to your cleansed face. Let stand for 30 minutes then rinse with lukewarm water. The levels of antioxidants found in orange skin will help the skin repair the damage caused by free radicals and shrink pores.

5. Aloe Vera

Using aloe vera, you get many benefits at once. Refresh the face, lighten the skin of the face and tighten the skin of the face.

All too easy, taking aloe gel in the center, then apply evenly to the skin. Let stand for 15 minutes then rinse with clear water

6. Papaya

Papain enzymes found in papaya can help regenerate the skin. Vitamins A, C and E as antioxidants will help nourish and moisturize your skin. With the papaya, the dead skin is lost, also cleans the dirt on the face and can tighten the skin of the face. Papaya will be a natural sunscreen or sunscreen for your skin.

By smoothing the papaya in a mask for 30 minutes, it will help tighten the skin of the face.


Avocados are useful for protecting the skin against wrinkles and signs of premature aging because avocados contain many antioxidant carotenoids, vitamin E and vitamin C. Vitamin E is helpful to prevent premature aging while vitamin C is a necessary substance to make elastin and collagen to keep the skin supple. With the lawyer, the cause of dilated pores will be eradicated so that the skin tightens. Mix a lawyer and use it as a facial mask

8. Banana

Bananas are rich in vitamin C and are certainly effective at toning the skin naturally. The trick is easy by smoothing 1 banana and then add 1 tablespoon of honey. Mix well and apply on the face.

9. Strawberries

Ellagic in strawberries is good for removing dirt and getting rid of dead skin on the face so that the skin of the face becomes tight. How to tighten the skin naturally using the strawberry is to smooth and then mix with milk until thickened and use as a face mask

10. Tomato

Antioxidant compounds as lycopene is present in tomatoes that are proven to ward off free radicals so that skin cells do not accumulate so that the skin is not wrinkled. Tomatoes can also be a natural sunscreen to minimize the damage caused by UV rays.

How to use it is to finely pound the tomatoes until they become boiling and apply on the face. Let stand for 30 minutes then rinse with clear water

11. Potato

The mineral content that we find in potatoes can be a natural antibiotic to slow the aging of the face and help regenerate the skin and get rid of dead skin on the face. A natural antioxidant also plays an important role so that facial imperfections can be disguised and completely lost.

It is used to finely crush the boiled potatoes and mix them with 2 tablespoons of milk until applying on the face. Let stand for 30 minutes then rinse with clear water

12. Cucumber

Cucumber is rich in minerals and vitamins that are important for the freshness of the waking face. Cucumbers are also useful as a way to tighten the skin of the face under the eyes. How to reduce facial pores naturally using a cucumber is to slice a thin cucumber and stick to the entire face. Let stand for 30 minutes then wash in clear water. Or it could be by grinding the cucumber and taking the water. Then, using cotton, apply on the face.

13. Egg White

It is thought that egg whites soften your face as well as a quick way to smooth and tighten saggy sagging skins rich in protein and micronutrients. The egg white is used as a facial mask to make the face radiant and radiant. To avoid the smell of fish, you can add 1 tablespoon of lemon juice or lemon.

14. Milk

In the face there is collagen to keep the skin soft, not wrinkled, and therefore the pores of the face are not enlarged. Now milk contains vitamin D which can increase collagen production and vitamin B6 plays a role in maintaining and maintaining healthy and hydrated skin

The trick is to mix 2 tablespoons of fresh milk with 1 tablespoon of honey. ] 15. Yogurt

Of course, you know that yogurt is a dairy product. Therefore, of course, yogurt contains calcium and zinc. Calcium plays an important role in preventing dry skin and dehydration, while zinc plays a role in helping to overcome facial skin problems. There is also a vitamin B complex that can nourish your face and make it shine naturally so that the pores seem invisible and the skin of the face becomes tense.

All you need is a tasteless, fresh yogurt that is then used as a face mask. 16. Green Tea

Antioxidants in green tea can counteract free radicals for rapid skin regeneration and can also remove dead skin cells to tighten skin. You can use fresh green tea leaves or green tea powder as a facial mask. If you use tea leaves, soak them in hot water for 15 minutes then apply water to the face. If using a powder, mix 1 tablespoon of green tea powder add with water until the dough form, then apply to the face

17. Rice immersed in water

When trying to cook rice, do not rush to get rid of the water. The rice contains ferulic acid and allantoin that can protect the skin and firm the skin of the face. Just let the rice water settle, then use the rice water deposit as a natural facial mask.

18. Olive Oil

The linoleic acid content in olive oil will help to keep the water content of the skin , skin so as not to appear wrinkles at an early age. In addition, olive oil also contains many antioxidants called polyphenols that help protect cells from the threat of damage. That is why olive oil is an effective way of tightening the skin of the face. Mix 1 tablespoon of olive oil with 1 teaspoon of honey then use as a face mask

19. Apple vinegar

Apple vinegar is acid but it can help regenerate the skin and erode and eliminate dead skin cells. Apple vinegar is a natural toner for your skin. The trick is to mix 1 tablespoon of apple vinegar with a glbad of water, then dip the cotton and apply it on your face.

20. Honey

The next facial moisturizer is honey which can also brighten the skin as it is rich in anti-oxidants and can also lift dead skin and tighten the face. You just take 1 tablespoon of honey then apply on the face, let it sit for 30 minutes then rinse with clear water

So, you want to come back to have a healthy skin tonic face? Perform natural treatments on a regular basis.

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