3 advantages of running for people together – Depok


Siarandepok.com – Do you know which sport is the easiest to do? Yes, it's true. Almost everyone will answer the race. However, many obese people are hesitant to play sports, the reason being that they are afraid of not being able to maintain balance so easily fall. Although this risk is also likely to occur in people who are lean. loh!

For those who are fat, the race can still be done as long as the speed is maintained. In addition to menururkan and weight control, there are other benefits that will be obtained. Here are the benefits of running sports for obese people

1. Building Trust

Most obese people tend not to believe in themselves, let alone among women. This is what makes many people hesitate to race for fear of being the attention of people around him. Yet, running, the body will burn more calories, including excessive body fat. The better the results obtained from this sport, certainly make more confidence and spirit to continue to exercise, right? However, to get the maximum results, not enough sports. You must also keep your diet. Either by reducing the portion of the meal, observing the type of nutrients and eating more regularly.

2. Healthy and easy to do

Run does not need any special tools and can be done anywhere, even on the page of the d & # 39; 39, home or field. All you have to do is warm yourself up in advance, prepare a towel to wipe away perspiration and drink some water to keep your body hydrated. In addition, running also maintains heart health and blood pressure has remained normal, reducing the risk of obese women affected by heart disease. Chronic diseases are very vulnerable in people who are overweight and can cause serious death if they are not avoided. Running can also lower blood pressure by making muscle cells more sensitive to insulin. This helps the sugar to move through the muscle to store the energy stores. The more you run in routine, the more you avoid bone problems, such as knee pain due to arthritis.

3. Increasing Mental Power

Overweight people tend to have bad thoughts or worries about health, especially chronic diseases that are vulnerable to it. In addition, poor eyesight of obese or obese people, for example, labeled as lazy or can not take care of themselves. Well, running is a great way to build mental strength and positive thoughts. During the race, we will push ourselves physically to reach the target. In fact, when you want to give up, surely the mind continues to motivate you not to stop in the middle of the road.19659005

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