3 cups of black coffee a day can make a long life?


LIMITED drinking black coffee is often known to prevent coronary heart disease and some other chronic diseases. But there are also recent studies showing that the drink can also keep the liver healthy.

Also, if you have a habit of drinking black coffee in one day up to 3 or 4 cups, you will easily increase your brain energy. physical, helps burn fat, and can reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes.

Drinking coffee can also prevent Alzheimer's disease and dementia, can help treat depression, reduce constipation, up to claim the fight against cancer. Based on other studies also explained that someone who had the habit of drinking coffee can protect the liver.

Since the liver is as important as the heart, lungs, kidneys and brain. The main function of the liver is to break down the food consumed into energy and filter the toxin.

Since the liver is a vital organ, when it is interference, its side effects can be just as deadly. Therefore, you must protect the liver condition so that its function remains normal through the ages.

Reported by Boldsky, Friday (6/7/2018), to prove that coffee is able to protect the liver, a team of researchers led by Emily Hu John Hopkins Bloomberg Public Health involved 14,208 respondents, who took the Study for a period of 26 years. The researchers monitored the respondents after receiving 3 cups of coffee a day

The results showed that a person who drank three cups of coffee had a liver disease of about 21% lower. This feature also applies to alcohol drinkers, can counteract the risk of deadly liver disease by drinking black coffee.

The reason, coffee has a lot of good antioxidant functions. You can improve the health of the liver by filling the cells in the organs.

But if you want to drink coffee in a healthy way, do not add a lot of sugar, cream and milk to your favorite cup of coffee. It's just that it contains unhealthy additives.

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In fact, if you drink coffee by adding sugar to the risk of triggering diabetes no matter who. (*)

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