& # 39; Anti-LGBT & # 39; encourages the improvement of HIV cases in Indonesia


The anti-LGBT movement fuels the increase in cases of HIV infection as it has made it possible for community groups to avoid preventive measures or be reluctant to ask care, said human rights organizations. 7/2018), as reported by the French news agency AFP

In recent years have seen an increase in the criminalization of LGBT groups both extremist and conservative politicians.

Police officers are attacked "arbitrarily and illegally" HRW said:

See also: The UN chief of human rights recalls to the Indonesia not to criminalize LGBT

The criminalization action has led some groups at risk of reluctance to seek prevention and care services, said HRW in a report LGBT criminalization and its impact on public health entitled " [Anti-LGBTQ Moral Panic]

As a result, the rate of HIV transmission among gay gay has quintupled since 2007, from 5% to 25%," said HRW. The Indonesian government's failure to overcome the panic of anti-LGBT morality has had detrimental consequences for public health, "said Kyle Knight, LGBT researcher at Human Rights Watch and author of the report.

" The Indonesian Government must recognize that its role in treating arb LGBT community has seriously compromised Indonesia's response to HIV cases. "

See also: SMRC Survey: Eligible LGBT in Indonesia

Indonesia's increasingly conservative approach undermines Indonesia's success in reducing the number of new cases of HIV infection in recent decades, according to HRW. According to UN data, one percent of infected people receive a breeder.

Last year, police attacked at least 300 people and often embarrbaded LGBT citizens taken in public. The number is up compared to previous years. [ft/au]

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