4 health problems behind the habit standing forever


RAKYATKU.COM – Do you still remember the old school when you had to stay too long at the flag ceremony? Try to remember what you felt at the time. Is it painful, tired, cramping or anything?

Well, imagine now if you have to stay for hours every day. About, do you know what will happen next? Yes, of course, chronic fatigue in the muscles of your whole body.

Medical facts show that standing for too long can be bad for your health. Some of the negative impacts are as follows:

1. Varicose Veins

Standing too long, blood in the legs will collect in the blood vessels in this part of the body. As a result, in a certain amount of time, it will widen the blood vessels in the enlarged legs so that the varicose veins occur.

Varicose veins are characterized by the presence of prominent and curly blood vessels. The habit of standing for too long can trigger the onset of this complaint, especially at the back of the thigh. In addition to unseemly views, varicose veins are also dangerous because they can pose other health risks.

2. Weakness and muscle pain of the foot

The standing position of the body requires support of the leg muscles. If the muscles of the leg are used for it repeatedly and continuously, sooner or later the muscles of this part will become painful and weak.

Do not stop there, the leg muscles used to hold the body for long periods can also cause an accumulation of muscle-sugar metabolism such as lactic acid. Reported by the page klikdokter, this situation causes cramps and tingling on both feet.

3. Chronic Low Back Pain

To maintain posture while standing, the pelvis, waist, and muscle muscles around the spine also play a role. If the muscles contract too long, chronic low back pain is very likely to occur.

In addition, when they stand for a long time, the joints around the waist also receive the body's load above. This leads to chronic back pain and back pain. This risk increases doubly in pregnant women in the last trimester

4. The risk of heart disease

Standing too long causes the blood flow from the legs to the heart to be altered by the process of gravity. It is a risk of arterioskler or commonly known as plaque on the blood vessels of the heart. If the plate is loose, blood flow to the heart may be impaired. In the end, what happens is heart disease or a heart attack.

These are the dangers that lie behind the habit of staying upright for too long. After experiencing it, I hope you can avoid bad habits. However, if you have to stand for a long time and do not want to know the danger state above, make a little effort, for example by walking or moving.

In addition, adopt healthy lifestyle habits. eating a healthy and balanced diet and enough rest. Do not hesitate if you want to see a doctor directly if you feel a complaint related to the habit of staying upright for too long.

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