4 Keto Diet Marks View results


Jakarta – Diet Keto is a diet that is done by applying a low carb diet and high fat. Keto diet increasingly popular because it was mentioned quickly lose weight. However, this diet is also considered controversial because if it's not done properly, it could pose a health hazard.

"The ketogenic diet is high in fat, very low in carbohydrates, which is based on the breakdown of fats." Fat is the main source of energy, not carbohydrates, "says nutritionist and diet dieter. University of Sydney, Leona Victoria Djajadi MND

Well, this reduction in carbohydrate intake causes a metabolic state called ketosis.So when do we know if the body is in a ketosis state? quoted in Times of India there are some major signs that can show it, in addition to weight loss.What is it?

L & # 39; smell of the mouth

If you followed this diet, you will know how this diet modifies your breath because the diet helps to lose weight, but not for your breath.

the body breaks down fats and proteins into energy, a by-product should be produced. to excrements, sweat, urine or breathing. To get rid of this stinking breath, to brush your teeth or to chew sugar-free mints


When the body is in a condition of ketosis, there will be confusion because it does not exist There is not enough carbohydrate burned as energy. As a result, you will feel very tired.

Experts say that to feel energetic, you must reduce or even not do heavy activities. However, when the body is used to this condition, the body becomes active again.


Other symptoms of ketosis entry are cramps and body aches in the body. When you reduce your carbohydrate intake, you may suffer from mineral and electrolyte imbalances.

This can lead to deficiencies in sodium, potbadium and magnesium. Well, these nutrients are needed to prevent pain and cramps, its deficiency can cause cramps


People with a ketogenic diet often suffer from constipation. This happens because the consumption of fiber is not enough, which leads to difficulties in defecating.

Another reason for the appearance of digestive problems is the lack of carbohydrates in your diet. Because carbohydrates are converted to glycogen, which contains a high water content.

(hrn / mrs)

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