4 simple ways to get rid of the smell of mouth all day


INDOPOS.CO.ID – Bad breath is a simple but very disturbing problem in communication. In fact, a simple way of brushing your teeth was not effective in killing the germs responsible for bad breath.

Different types of mouthwashes circulate freely on the market. However, it turns out that the mouthwash did not have a significant impact in eliminating bad breath throughout the day.

According to the Care2 page, oral hygiene is the key to protecting you from bad breath. Here are tips, treating the oral cavity.

1. Dental Treatments and Gums

It is important to brush your teeth twice a day to fight bacteria and plaque.

Also, use wire once a day to remove leftover food between your teeth. If you are anti with commercial toothpaste, many options of natural toothpaste

2. Bowel Support

Bad breath can be a sign of poor digestion. The good for your gut turns out to affect your breath. Eating probiotic-rich foods becomes the best way to increase bacteria in the gut, while destroying all harmful bacteria

3. Rinse mouth with baking soda

Rinse mouth with baking soda which is effective to kill bacteria from the mouth.

Mix one teaspoon of baking soda in a cup of water and rinse in the mouth for 30 seconds. You can also add a few drops of oil in the mixture for additional anti-bacterial measures, such as peppermint, tea tree or clove oil

4. Herbal

Chewing fresh herbs will refresh your mouth quickly. Mint, thyme, basil, oregano, parsley and coriander are well known bacterial fighters. (jpg)

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