5 bad habits can cause heart disease at young ages


TRIBUNLAMPUNG.CO.ID – Heart Disease is the number one killer disease in the world.

However, there are still many people who underestimate this disease including young people today.

Read: Easy to find This can prevent the risk of heart attack

Many believe that heart disease is a disease that only affects the elderly.

But today, there are many young people who suffer from heart attacks, the main reason comes from the usual bbad of everyday.

Well, what are the habits that trigger heart attacks in young people? following his review as we reported from eva.vn

1. Eating meat is very permissible but if you can even trigger many problems such as heart attacks, eating red meat almost every day can increase the risk of cholesterol, this which can trigger heart attacks in young children.

Read: 15-year-old girl lacking memory due to Behel dental effect, until having to have heart surgery


L & L Alcohol is also bad for the organs of our heart, nowadays many young people unconsciously love alcohol.

Alcohol alone can trigger hardening of the coronary arteries, which can damage the heart.

Rarely Sports

Young people are now different from young children, now many young people who spend their free time stay in the play chair or haunt for hours.

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