5 benefits of resting after tired of work


With so much activity, we often forget that rest is an important element for health. Crystal Reeves certified senior trainer and owner of the MadSweat fitness center, said that rest was as important as sports.

Both parties have equal parts to strengthen the body, increase stamina and strengthen muscles. There are several benefits of rest that you should know. These include:

1. Eliminates Saturation

Conducting daily activities with the same pattern can make you and your family bored. As a mother, you need to organize and prepare for the needs of children and husbands, not to mention your work in the office.

As a father, you have to work, cope with congestion or resolve conflicts with your colleagues. Little has a lot of activities to do. Repetitive things like this sometimes make us bored and bored. Breakage becomes one of the ways to get rid of saturated saturation.

2. Relaxing Muscles

Reeves said that after a day of activity, the body's muscles tended automatically. In this condition, the body susceptible to disease. Well, adequate rest can help restore tense muscles. At rest, the muscles relax and relax.

3. The process of regeneration of the body

Rest helps the regeneration process of the body. According to a study from the University of Washington in the United States, a break in how to drink, eat and sleep enough helps the body to regenerate and recover.

During sleep, the body will reproduce the hormones it needs. If you are deprived of sleep, the hormonal growth will be inhibited and will have a negative impact on the body.

4. Mood correction

In addition to eliminating saturation, breakage can repair mood is missing. At school for example, Little has a break time. It is necessary to release the tension as long as he learns.

Rest will restore pbadion and eliminate tense sleepiness. If lack of rest, we are not excited and lost mood to resume the activity.

5. Increased productivity

After the break, the body and mood will be restored. With recovery. We will be happy to work or continue our activities. Your productivity and family increase automatically because it is no longer saturated or tired. (M & B / Lucky Vonia / SW / Doc. Freepik)

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