5 benefits of spinach spinach for the skin


Jakarta, CNN Indonesia – Spinach is not only rich in iron, which is good for people suffering from anemia. These green vegetables also have many nutrients that can improve the health of the skin and inhibit the aging process.

Eating spinach spinach every day is supposed to make the skin healthier. Here are the benefits of spinach vegetables for the skin.

1. Inhibits aging

Spinach is rich in vitamin A which can be an antioxidant for the skin. These antioxidants can make skin cells healthier and improve damage so that it can inhibit aging.

It is reported that Livestrong, a bowl of spinach contains about 943 micrograms of this antioxidant. This amount is greater than the recommended daily value for adults.

The consumption of spinach is highly recommended when the skin is facing many free radicals from food pollution or air. These free radicals can destroy cells and accelerate the aging process

2. Prevent acne

The content in spinach can also cope with the growth of inflamed acne. Good health Everything recommends applying a spinach mask by smoothing the spinach with water.

Use a spinach mask for 20 to 25 minutes. This spinach mask can remove dirt and oil to refresh the skin.

In addition to the mask, consuming spinach juice mixed with other vegetables and fruits such as tomatoes, carrots and cucumbers is also good for preventing the growth of acne. 3. Improve skin cells

Spinach is also rich in vitamin C which is also beneficial for repairing damaged skin cells. Vitamin C can make collagen proteins that work to make new skin cells without enough vitamin C skin to have dry air.

A bowl of spinach contains 18 milligrams of vitamin C or about 20 percent of daily recommendations for men and 24 percent of daily recommendations for women

4. Reducing Eye Pockets

Dark circles under the eyes caused by sleep deprivation, genes, alcohol or aging can be overcome by eating spinach.

This vegetable has a vitamin K content necessary for blood clotting and strengthens the walls of blood vessels. This can indirectly reduce dark circles around the eyes.

In addition, vitamin K also helps to reduce inflammation and improve blood circulation.

A bowl of spinach can hold nearly 900 micrograms of vitamin K. In fact, the body needs every day about 120 micrograms for men and 90 micrograms for women

5. Lightening the skin

Spinach can lighten the skin thanks to the iron content, which is an important part of hemoglobin. This protein is used to circulate oxygen throughout the body, including the skin, so that it looks cooler and brighter.

In addition, spinach is also rich in water that is good for moisturizing the skin. A bowl of spinach can hold 164 grams of water


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