5 foods that can reduce the risk of diabetes for cancer, which is not difficult


TRIBUNTRAVEL.COM – A healthy, disease-free body will be everyone's dream.

After all, an unhealthy body will be so disturbing for various activities and so uncomfortable.

There are many ways, one of them by maintaining the diet.

Although some of the foods below can actually counteract various diseases, such as diabetes, cancer, up to the problem the heart.

1. Kacang Kenari

Among the different types of nuts, walnuts become the best type of beans to maintain heart health.

The nuts themselves contain antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids that can significantly reduce heart risks

Eating a handful of nuts every day can reduce the risk of heart disease up to 40 for hundred.

(exact Co.)

2. Broccoli

This green vegetable is a cruciferous vegetable whose ingredients can prevent cancer.

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