5 healthy foods to maintain the family's white teeth


Having a healthy lifestyle means exercising diligently, eating healthy foods, and getting enough rest. And, it turns out that eating nutrient-rich foods is not just about preventing and preventing your body and your family from various diseases.

This healthy food is also able to keep your teeth naturally white. Moms, dads and toddlers can keep a bright smile every day. What are the types of healthy foods that can become a natural whitener? Here is the list, moms:

Milk, cheese, yoghurt

Usually, dairy-based foods such as cheese, fresh milk and yogurt are useful for increasing the body's calcium level. But apparently, processed dairy products can also strengthen teeth. In addition to this, the teeth will also appear whiter and brighter.


To obtain vegetable proteins, nuts are the best choice. Because it contains healthy fibers and fats. In addition, the abrasive properties of nuts such as almonds can dissolve plaque and stains on the surface of your teeth when you chew them.


Being one of the favorite fruits, apples can actually make teeth healthier. The malic acid content often used in toothpastes is found in high-grade apples. This can increase your saliva that will clean your teeth of stains.

In addition, the fluoride content of apples also reduces the risk of tooth decay and gum disease. In fact, apple skin contains fibers that help eliminate bacteria in the mouth. It turns out that the benefits of eating apples for your teeth are very important, moms!


Strawberry contains an enzyme called malic acid that can make teeth whiter and brighter naturally. How to apply it, moms can pound strawberries up to smooth consistency, then apply on the teeth. Let stand for 15 minutes, then rinse and brush your teeth as usual.

Cauliflower, carrots, celery

Carrots, celery, until the cauliflower can also whiten the teeth. This type of vegetable contains salivary stimulating nutrients, helping to prevent plaque formation. The teeth also look cleaner and the gums become stronger. (Vonia Lucky / SW / Doc.

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