5 situations that make you vulnerable to iron deficiency anemia, see number 5!


Liputan6.com, Jakarta Anemia is still a major health problem in the world. More than 30% of the world's population is anemic, including Indonesians.

Anemia is a condition in which the amount of hemoglobin in red blood cells is lower than normal, resulting in less oxygen in the blood. One of the most common types of anemia is iron deficiency anemia.

Iron deficiency anemia results from iron deficiency. Without enough iron, the body will start using iron stores that will eventually be exhausted. Once the iron stores are exhausted, the number of red blood cells produced by the body will be less.

The common symptoms are 5L, namely weakness, lunglai, lethargy, fatigue and lameness. This type of anemia can lower the immune system and cause a person susceptible to infection. What type of person is susceptible to this type of anemia, the following 5 situations that make a person susceptible to iron deficiency anemia


According to data from Riskesdas in 2013, the prevalence of anemia among pregnant women in Indonesia reached 50.5%. This condition is caused by a lack of iron, where pregnancy requires the mother to consume more iron.

2. Baby

As we know, babies need a lot of iron to promote their growth and optimal flowering. Also according to data from Riskesdas 2013 results, the prevalence of anemia in infants and toddlers by 40.5%. Iron deficiency is not only susceptible to anemia, but also in infants with impaired intelligence, weak muscles, susceptible to infection and others

] 3. Age Subur

Apparently, women of childbearing age are also prone to anemia. This is the backdrop as they can lose blood during menstruation every month. Especially if the woman has a long menstrual cycle, thus causing quite long bleeding.

4. Worms

Worms are still the subject of cases of iron deficiency anemia and often occur in children. This is because the worms that live in the body to suck the blood around 2-100 cc each day. If nothing is done, the worms suffer from a lack of blood.

5. Vegetarian

A vegetarian usually only consumes vegetables and fruits and avoids the consumption of meat. This condition often causes vegetarians to miss daily iron needs. The reason, iron derived from vegetables quite difficult to absorb by the body. Unlike iron derived from animal products, like meat, which is very easily absorbed by the body.

So what happens if a vegetarian, a pregnant woman and a woman of childbearing age can eat iron? They can eat cereals, beans, soy products and fruits such as dates, watermelons and bananas. Sangobion Fizz is an iron supplement, multivitamins (supplemented with Vit C and Vit B) and minerals (zinc and folic acid) that can help cell formation. Red blood due to iron deficiency anemia and also to maintain a healthy body.

Sangobion Fizz is present in effervescent tablet preparations and fresh cranberry flavors! Suitable for those of you who are looking for a tasteful and fresh iron supplementation. Just consume 1 tablet a day by dissolving it in 200 ml of fresh water.


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