5 things that cause hair loss


Eyebrows that are thick and have the perfect shape would be a dream for women. Because eyebrows are one of the most prominent parts of your face, it is very important to keep the appearance perfect.

Unfortunately, in the midst of a tendency to have thick eyebrows, some people have hair problems. The eyebrows of hair fall is a serious problem that should attract attention as well as other treatments.

Here is the cause of the eyebrows: 19659002] Stress

Stress can cause hair loss and eyebrows. Whether it is physical or mental stress, stress can still cause the biggest hair loss in the eyebrows.


The removal of the eyebrows is usually required to maintain the shape of the eyebrows, but to remove the eyebrows excessively. can also cause hair loss on the hair. Some of us pick eyebrows to keep eyebrows perfectly, but some of us have bad habits like pulling eyebrows with no particular purpose. Should avoid this or your eyebrows will be bald.

Skin Irritation

Skin problems such as seborrheic dermatitis, psoriasis and others can cause itching and redness around the eyebrow area. Continuous scratching and scratching itself can cause hair loss.

Nutritional Deficiency

Hair loss problems due to nutritional deficiencies or vitamins not only affect the scalp on the hair that is on the eyebrow. Various deficiencies of nutrients and vitamins such as zinc, iron, vitamin D, vitamin B12 and others can cause hair loss.


Hair loss can also be caused by aging. . As you get older, hair loss will also haunt not only the hair on the scalp, it will also attack the hair in your eyebrows.

Article by Claudia Ramadhani

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