551,775 Sulut children need measles and rubella vaccines


Report of Journalist Manado Ryo Noor Tribune

TRIBUNMANADO.CO.ID, MANADO – A total of 551,775 children in North Sulawesi aged 9 months to 15 years should receive vaccination and rubella.

Dr. Rima Lolong, Plh Head The North Sulawesi Health Bureau reported that the free immunization program for children will be launched simultaneously in 28 Indonesian provinces. Immunization of MR will begin from August to September 2018.

Government involves stakeholders of religious leaders, IDI, Unicef ​​and the press wants to establish engagement with the campaign [19659003] "We must successfully include a minimum target of 95% in various regions" Lolong said during an interview by reporters at the Aston Hotel, at the event to build the l '39, MR Immunization Program Commitment, Friday (20/7/2018)

In order to achieve successful MR vaccination, we are committed to successfully completing the MR vaccination campaign in North Sulawesi. Paud's children under 15 years old at the junior high school will be vaccinated against measles. There is a team that will go directly to the target schools

Then resumed on September 1 the children's benefit starts 9 months in the posyandu pajamas, as well as the uneducated non-educated players of the schools currently in the first wave of children. August 2018. [19659003] He calls for support from all sectors for MR vaccination campaigns. Support from all sectors in which the religious leaders of professional organizations of the community layer of the vaccination campaign have reached the goal of 100%.

Dr. Hesti Lestari So Akan, Omnas PP Coffee Komda PP says, infectious diseases of measles and rubbela disease

neither children nor vaccinated adults are at risk of contracting

Measles diseases can worsen diarrhea, pneumonia, inflammation of the brain

"Disorders can even go up to disability and death, but immunization can prevent

2,000 deaths due to measles out of 562,000 worldwide 2,767 cases of SRC in Indonesia in 2013

Indonesia ranks 6th in the world of measles cases

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