6 good foods to improve digestion are a bonus to flatten the stomach


Fimela.com, Jakarta Fermented foods have the power to improve all the decomposed and destroyed nutrients in your digestive system. Fermented foods have been named as a new drug for the digestive system rich in probiotics in various studies conducted in the United States in recent years.

Here are six recommendations for fermented foods to get better digestion, a stomach leveling bonus, as reported by byrdie.com, Monday (5/11);

1. Kefir

Not familiar with kefir? Kefir is a fermented dairy product (beef, goat or lamb) that is drunk like yoghurt. Kefir and yogurt are rich in calcium and magnesium, as well as in enzymes and probiotics.

"When they are consumed regularly, these products can heal and know the intestinal targets to repair.As chronic gastrointestinal inflammation, yeast growth in the digestive tract and poor digestion," said the general director of Social Nature, Annalea Krebs.

It is recommended to look for yogurt products from herbivorous and low-sugar organic cows. Like Icelandic yogurt, Greek yogurt and organic kefir.

2. Kombucha

No, kombucha is not just a drink for health. Made from fermented black tea and sugar (usually sugar cane or honey).

"After fermentation, the kombucha is charred and provides a rich bacterial colony, as well as vitamin B, enzymes and probiotics," said Krebs.

There are dozens of kombucha brands available, continue to choose from organic ingredients. Krebs recommends Health-Ade brands that can be purchased in supermarkets or online.

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