6 Tips for Eating Sweet Food, but Safe Blood Sugar


Having a blood glucose problem, you really need to keep your diet. In addition, you should be able to reduce the consumption of sugary foods so that the blood sugar does not jump dramatically. However, that does not mean you should not eat sweet foods forever, really! Go, follow the safety tips to eat sweet foods without fear of raising blood sugar after

Safe rules for eating sugary foods without causing blood sugar to increase

Too much food sugars can drive up blood sugar levels that already have diabetes. Therefore, it is necessary to put in place a healthy and appropriate diet so that you can always eat sugary foods while maintaining your normal blood sugar.

1. Limit the amount of sweet food

The key to preventing the increase in blood sugar is to pay attention to the portion of the daily intake of sugary foods. Try to limit the consumption of sweets, candies, cookies, cookies and other high sugar foods only on weekends or special occasions only.

Complete your desire to eat sweet foods with only a small portion. This is done so that you can adapt to the needs of sugar and balance the nutrients in your body.

2. Reduce Carbohydrate Intake (# CutCarbo)

Carbohydrates are one of the causes of high blood sugar. The reason carbohydrates are eaten will be broken down into simple sugars that then enter the bloodstream. Along with increasing blood sugar levels, pancreatic organs secrete insulin hormones to encourage the body's cells to absorb blood sugar. This is what makes your blood sugar level stable and stable.

However, if the sugar intake is too important, the body's cells will have trouble converting blood sugar into energy. As a result, blood sugar levels increase.

So, if you want to continue eating sweet foods, maintain your blood sugar levels by reducing your carbohydrate intake. For example, white rice, bread, potatoes, corn and other sources of carbohydrates. Many studies have shown that eating low-carb foods can help prevent peak blood sugar levels.

It is not that you should not eat rice or other sources of carbohydrates. Of course, still allowed, but again note the part

3. Balance with Sport

If you want to continue eating your favorite sweet food, you must balance it with regular exercise. Because exercise can help control blood sugar levels normally by increasing the cells' sensitivity to the hormone insulin.

Regular exercise to make muscle cells quickly absorbs blood sugar, thereby lowering blood sugar. Exercise with moderate or high intensity, both are able to reduce peaks in blood glucose

4. Increase the consumption of high-fiber foods

If you can not resist the desire to eat sweet foods, try to fill your cravings with fiber-rich foods through vegetables, fruits and nuts as soy. Soy is a source of fiber that could be your choice.

The type of fiber that is able to control blood sugar is the soluble fiber. Therefore, soluble fiber can form gel-like substances that help slow down the absorption of carbohydrates in the intestine. This is what keeps your blood sugar levels steady, it can even make you full longer.

5. Drink plenty of water

After eating sugary foods, drink plenty of water immediately. Sweet foods give you a thirsty feeling quickly, so refill them with liquids to prevent dehydration.

If you do not drink immediately, your body may become dehydrated. As a result, your body will produce vasopressin hormone that encourages the kidneys to retain fluids. It also prevents your body from eliminating excess sugar in the urine. As a result, sugar is trapped in the bloodstream and increases blood sugar.

A study of 3,615 people found that participants who drank one liter of water a day reduced their blood sugar risk by 21% from 473 milliliters in one day

The amount of Water that you should consume varies with your age and activity level. The important thing is to make sure to satisfy your water needs even if you are not thirsty.

6. Always check nutritional information on foods and beverages

When choosing beverages or sugary foods in the package, be sure to always read the nutrition information label . Find the amount of sugar and carbohydrates in the food. Place your choice of low sugar products just to keep your blood glucose level awake.

Avoid processed or packaged foods such as canned soup, frozen foods, or low-fat foods that often contain hidden sugars. Some other foods that also secretly store sugar include packaged foods, staple foods such as bread, cereals, pasta sauces, margarine, mashed potatoes and tomato sauce. Therefore, always read the nutrition information label on the package to determine the sugar and carbohydrate content. (*)

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