7 Diet danger Keto we must observe


KOMPAS.com – The ketogenic diet or ketone diet is a diet that requires us to limit the consumption of carbohydrates. As a substitute, the intake of protein and fat is multiplied.

Although many say that this ketogenic diet is powerful enough to lose weight, you should first know the dangers of this diet. In reality, the ketogenic diet is dedicated to people with seizure disorders. People with these problems are indeed difficult to digest carbohydrates in the body, so it's limited intake.

But now the ketogenik diet has adopted rather into a diet to lose weight.

Yes, carbohydrate restrictions and more fat than usual. In fact, the intake of carbohydrates allowed in this dietary principle is not less than 30 percent of the total daily calories.

See also: 5 Signs of diet Keto indicate results

Of course, the application of ketogenic diets can interfere with digestion and body function, can even cause various problems of health. Here are the dangers of the keto diet that we should be wary of.

1. Rapid Weight Loss

Basically, people who follow a keto diet want to lose weight. Indeed weight loss will occur if this diet. The reason, carbohydrates are the main source of energy is very low in the body. This is what makes losing weight over time.

But do not be happy first. Weight loss is not a sign if the body is healthy. Weight loss is usually not long or continuous. Why? Because in the beginning, the body loses its primary energy and ultimately uses fat as a reserve of energy.

Well, as long as a ketogenic diet is applied, the foods we eat are foods rich in protein and fat. The more we eat fats, the more heaps in the body. Over time, the weight will increase again.

2. Feeling uncomfortable

In the first few weeks, people on a keto diet usually have flu-like symptoms. This condition is called flu keto and will last for several days. We may experience some symptoms, such as headaches, fatigue, colds, and nausea.

This condition is due to the adaptability of the body after the loss of a major source of energy. The brain does not work well because it does not get its food, that is, sugar. Therefore, this diet will cause headaches, fatigue, and the body will feel bad.

See also: 6 things that happen to the body during the realization of the ketogenic diet

3. Muscles Shrink

By undergoing the keto diet, the body experiences ketosis, which burns fat as energy. But it can also cause us to lose adipose tissue and muscle shrinkage.

Quoted by Women's Health, Victoria Linday, dietitian in Washington, revealed that carbohydrates play an important role in building muscle. In case of badistance with proteins, the process of recovery of damaged muscle cells will be faster.

Keto dieting may shrink muscle tissue or even break down if calories are not sufficient

4. Drops of Blood Sugar

In addition, The body's adaptation to the ketogenic diet can lead to symptoms of hypoglycaemia, ie health problems when blood glucose is below normal limits. abnormal heart rhythm, sleep disorder, anxiety syndrome.

5. Cramps on the feet

The danger of other ketone diets is cramps in the legs. It is often badociated with dehydration and mineral deficiency in the body, one of which is sodium.

When a keto diet, insulin levels become so low that they can not stimulate the kidneys to maintain sodium. Although it is a simple disorder, the feeling of cramps can be very disturbing.

6. Digestive Disorders

Frequent side effects of the ketone diet include digestive disorders such as flatulence, frequent gas, or constipation

because the body does not get enough fiber fruit, and some vegetables. In some cases, some have diarrhea.

7. The smell of the mouth

During a keto diet, the body that processes ketones (substances resulting in fat metabolism) increases acetone in the blood , sweat, urine and also by breathing. This mainly causes the odor in the mouth.

So, if you intend to follow a ketogenic diet, you should consult a doctor and a nutritionist. This is to prevent the danger of the keto diet. In this way, the medical team will know the exact conditions and the right diet for you

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