7 foods should avoid at breakfast, cereals and cookies often preferred


TRIBUNTRAVEL.COM – We know that breakfast is important, but do you know that a choice of food and beverages at breakfast can regulate body rhythms throughout the day ?

can reduce the risk of cancer and diabetes.

According to the online Digest, Fitnea provides a list of foods that should be avoided at breakfast.

1. Processed Meat

Processed Nitric Meat Associated with Colorectal Cancer

The Institute for Cancer Research Publishes a List of Ten Things That Can Be Made to Reduce the Risk of Cancer , one of which is to avoid nitrates.

In the morning with meat, you should not choose processed meats.

2. Sweet cereals

Some cereals are full of carbohydrates and sugars, when we eat them, blood sugar rises quickly and then disappears

If you do not want our energy to be problematic it is better to avoid cereals

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