7 simple tips to eliminate stomach fat without exercise


Illustration – fitnessformen.co.id

Bisnis.com JAKARTA – Ramadan is over and daily routines are returning to old habits, including in terms of diet.

Stomach re-enlarges after a month earlier the body feels light. You must also be smart-smart choose clothes so that the body does not look bigger.

If you feel it, then it is time to remove excess fat in the abdomen. Do not let the health of your body be disturbed.

Boldsky.com Excess abdominal fat is known to be the leading cause of diseases such as joint pain (especially knee pain), loss of balance in motion, digestive problems such as hoarding gas, increased gastric acidity, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart problems, liver disease, gallstones, diabetes and even some cancers.

In addition, excess abdominal fat can also cause psychological problems such as depression, caused by low self-esteem and the stress of self-esteem.

To eliminate body fat, you need a combination of a healthy diet or exercise routine to do. However, some people do not have time to exercise.

In these cases, these seven simple tips can be followed to reduce belly fat with a strict low-fat diet:

1. Consumption of probiotics

If you want to quickly get rid of abdominal fat without a lot of exercise, and if you follow a healthy and low fat diet, it is important to make probiotics an important part of the diet daily food.

increase the production of healthy bacteria in the stomach. Taking probiotics not only helps to quickly burn fat cells in the abdominal area, but also to reduce bloating in the abdomen by improving intestinal health, thus making the stomach even flatter.

2. Limit salt intake

Salt is one of the main ingredients of cooking. However, if you want to get rid of belly fat, salt intake should be limited.

Salty foods are one of the main causes of abdominal fat accumulation. Avoid Chewing Gum

These are the little things that are important for the elimination of belly fat. Some habits that we like, like chewing gum every day, have an effect on the increase of belly fat.

Most sweets contain a lot of sugar. It is therefore best to get rid of this habit and chew something healthier, such as beans, cloves or cinnamon.

4. Do not consume alcohol

Alcohol, especially beer, is one of the main factors that contribute to the accumulation of fat in the stomach quickly. So, reducing alcohol intake or not even consuming it again can reduce belly fat without exercise. In addition, not consuming alcohol can also help improve health conditions

5. Test Your Hormones

If you have a calm time, even if you have a healthy diet and a healthy lifestyle, you may notice that belly fat is not reduced. In such cases, there may be some hormonal fluctuations in the body that need to be tested and treated by a doctor.

6. Avoid cruciferous vegetables

Research has shown that not eating vegetables such as cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, and others can reduce the size and belly fat naturally. The reason vegetables contain compounds known as raffinose, which is known to increase belly fat and gas.

Eliminating Constipation

If you include people who have problems going to the bathroom every day, you are often constipated, so you should try to treat them appropriately. The reason, constipation can also cause an increase in abdominal fat and certainly swollen in the long run.

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