7 types of food that you do not expect is powerful to get rid of acne


Brilio.net – Acne is often a problem that makes you stumble. Especially if you have a plan that requires you to search. Acne does not hurt much, but its presence often interferes with appearance.

Eliminating acne is not only related to conservation healthy lifestyle . But also need to pay attention to your diet. Spicy and oily foods trigger acne.

There are many ways that you can get your skin free from acne, such as salon treatments. However, it is good that you keep your complexion naturally .

Preeti Seth, Cosmetologist, Pachouli Health Clinic, Delhi, and Prabhu Mishra, Senior Cosmetologist, SCI International Hospital, Delhi, what everyone should eat so that your skin is free from acne. The recommendations of these experts include vegetable and fruit based foods. Here are eight of these foods as reported timesofindia brilio.net .

1. Brown Rice

photo: Halodoc

Red rice is a rich source of B vitamins, proteins, magnesium and some antioxidants. The vitamin B contained in it can reduce stress that will help regulate hormone levels and prevent the possibility of breakouts.

2. Garlic

Garlic is another super food that helps fight inflammation. Garlic is full of natural chemicals called allicin, which kills many harmful bacteria and viruses that your body can resist. So, onions have proven to be good at reducing inflammation in acne.

3. Broccoli

Broccoli contains health-promoting properties such as vitamin A, B, C, E and K. These antioxidants fight against the radical damage that radiates the health of your skin.

4. Fish

photos: Artikelsiana

Fish is recognized as an excellent source of omega-3 and 6 fatty acids for acne prone skin. This type of acid reduces inflammation of the skin. Salmon is very good for the skin.

5. Fennel

photo: Ramesia

If you are looking for the perfect natural skin cleanser, eat anise. This licorice-flavored root vegetable can improve digestion, reduce swelling and help eliminate excess fluids and toxins in your skin.

6. Green Tea

Many studies have shown that green tea helps to fight acne. Drink more green tea throughout the day. In addition, you can try using a chilled tea bag. Then the cooled tea bag dabs in the acne prone area on your face for 10-15 minutes.

7. Red wine

Fruits and seeds contain potent natural chemicals and antioxidants that have been shown to treat inflammatory skin diseases such as psoriasis and eczema. Grapes can also help control the side effects of allergic skin reactions.


(brl / lea)

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