9 These foods can make you become a SuperMom!


Moms, have you felt that your appetite has recently decreased? It may be because you are too busy and tired of taking care of your little one. As a new mother who is still badfeeding, you need to get food that is not only tasty, but also nutritious. Healthy and appropriate foods can increase energy and improve your mood. Here is a series of good foods that you consume to become a SuperMom!

1. Milk and derivatives

When badfeeding, your baby will absorb a lot of calcium from your body. So it's fine if you consume a lot of calcium to meet your own needs. It is not necessary that it be milk, but you can also consume derivative products such as yogurt and cheese because the calcium that it contains is also rich in vitamin B and protein.

2. Salmon

It has been proven that salmon has excellent nutrients to provide energy to new mothers. Salmon also contains a lot of DHA, which is good for the nervous development of your child. In fact, ASI also contains DHA, Moms, but if you consume salmon, the DHA contained in bad milk will be more important. But keep in mind, do not consume too much salmon, moms. Because the US Food and Drugs Administration (FDA) recommends badfeeding women limit salmon intake in order to prevent too much mercury from getting into the baby's body. Although the mercury content of salmon is very low compared to other fish such as mackerel.

3. meat

Increase your energy by eating a lot of foods containing iron. An iron deficiency can make you run out of energy, moms. If you are badfeeding, you also need more protein and vitamin B. Meat is the source of all these substances.

4. Peanuts

Nuts are foods rich in iron, especially for dark beans such as black beans. In addition, if you are a vegetarian, consume nuts because these foods are rich in animal protein.

5. Blueberries and Oranges

Insert blueberries into your list of fruits, moms. Because blueberries provide enough carbohydrates, so you can continue to energize. While oranges will give you the vitamin C badfeeding mothers need. You can eat whole oranges or have been transformed into fresh juice.

6 eggs

Eggs are very good for meeting your protein needs. In addition, the treatment is quite easy. Only need to be fried or boiled, eggs can also be enjoyed. Choose eggs enriched with DHA, which can increase the essential fatty acids in your milk.

7. wheat bread

Do not forget how important folic acid is when you are pregnant. Apparently, you continue to need folic acid until the end of the delivery. Wheat bread not only provides the supply of folic acid that your body needs, but also provides fiber and iron.

8. Green vegetables

Green vegetables, such as spinach and broccoli, are enriched with vitamin A, which benefits you and your baby. Green vegetables also contain antioxidants and are low in calories.

9. water

Nursing mothers are very susceptible to dehydration. In order for endurance and milk production to be maintained, you must also consume enough fluids. You must not continue to drink water, vary by consuming juice and milk. But be careful with coffee and tea, as they both contain caffeine, which can prevent badfed children from sleeping. (M & B / World Anindhita / SW / Doc.

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