93 Pregnant women wear Viagra, 19 baby matrices | JavaPos.com


JavaPos.com – Dutch doctors and scientists stop their research on breakthroughs in the use of Viagra. The breakthrough was stopped after the death of 11 babies.

Viagra is commonly used to help pregnant women whose babies do not develop in good conditions in the uterus. The University Medical Center of Amsterdam, which is conducting joint research in 10 Dutch hospitals, announced that the study had been suspended after the death of a baby.

In addition, they also infect the lung disease of babies born prematurely. Viagra is a well-known name for the generic drug Sildenafil.

  93 pregnant women wear Viagra, 19 babies died
But of 93 women who use Viagra, 19 babies die (Donegal Daily)

Viagra is actually more commonly used for men with erectile problems. But doctors believe that the properties of Viagra in the dilation of blood vessels can help improve blood flow in the placenta.

In a statement, the hospital said that Viagra can stimulate the growth of the unborn child whose development in the uterus is not so good. As reported by Channel News Asia, according to the Amsterdam Hospital, the study involved UMC and 10 other Dutch hospitals focusing on pregnant women who had poorer pregnancy developments were looking since 2015.

"The prognosis for such a baby is bad and no other treatment is known to the boy," he said.

A total of 93 pregnant women received Viagra during pregnancy, while another 90 received a placebo. No mother is affected by the drug.

But of the 93 women who took the drug, 19 babies died. A total of 11 may be due to a form of hypertension in the lungs that may be badociated with the medication.

While six other babies are born with lung disease that is not enough oxygen, but they survive.

(trz / JPC)

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