6 These foods make it difficult for you to sleep at night – Go online



TIME Adequate and quality sleep is the key to a healthy life. It is not uncommon for work pressure and the burden of the mind to become a barrier to getting enough sleep and quality. As a result, the body becomes weak and not excited in the morning.

Apparently, in addition to the burden of the spirit, food can also cause difficulty sleeping at night. Foods that contain caffeine are known to be able to interfere with sleep time. Here are some foods or other foods that cause insomnia, cited in the daily Elite, Thursday (28/06/2018).


This type of food can definitely keep you up all night. Coffee, soft drinks, energy drinks and some types of teas can make it difficult to close the eyes if they are consumed before bedtime. The solution can be overcome by drinking herbal tea such as chamomile tea and also drinking hot milk

2. Refined Carbohydrates

Sometimes to satisfy hunger at night, some of us like to chew snacks like cereals or cookies. According to Chris Brantner, founder of SleepZoo, the type of food can increase insomnia through insulin.

He explains that refined carbohydrates usually contain a lot of sugar. As a result, blood sugar levels increase and trigger the production of hormone cortisol in the body. The stress hormone causes the reduction of the melatonin hormone that causes the body to go to bed

3. Dark Chocolate

These foods are often recommended for diabetics or those with high blood sugar levels. Dark chocolate is supposed to be healthier than milk or white chocolate. However, do not forget that dark chocolate also contains caffeine.

4. Too much water

Beverages containing caffeine are not good before bedtime. But water can also make your sleep difficult. Of course, if the water you drink too much. While hydrating you, drinking too much water can potentially push you back and forth between showers to pee

. Fatty foods

Avoid fried and greasy foods as much as possible before going to bed. According to nutritionists Lyssie Lakatos and Tammy Lakatos, high-fat foods take a long time to digest. In addition, foods high in fat can cause flatulence to indigestion.

6. Spicy food

The spicy taste can not be separated from the food of Indonesian society. But, spicy foods also cause you trouble sleeping. Because, spicy food will disrupt your digestive system at night.

Nutritionist, Erin Palinski-Wade says, spicy foods will raise your body temperature. That is, you will feel the warmth like the food that has been eaten before. He adds that the body will naturally lower its temperature while lying down, but the ingested spicy foods will only wake you up.

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