Because, often, stress can cause erectile dysfunction! : Okezone Lifestyle


WHEN the body experiences many health problems that affect the body. For example, you become so sick of having hormonal disorders.

Because of unhealthy lifestyles, most people experience health problems due to stress, but they are rarely noticed. But the effect is easily avoided by doing fun activities

Therefore, if you constantly leave the state of mind if you are stressed, you can hurt yourself. Here are 7 effects that you can easily experiment, reported Boldsky Monday (07/02/2018).

1. Altered immune system

Stress conditions trigger the weakening of the immune system. This is because infectious diseases strike you. The experts mentioned, people who often experience stress more sensitive to colds and colds. It's the stress hormone that can weaken the immune system. The energy can be exhausted, but few people realize it.

2. Altered reproductive system

When men are stressed, testosterone is produced in large numbers but it does not last long. The energy will be evacuated, so the body so easily fatigued. You may also be at risk of erectile dysfunction in the long run.


3. Easily stretched muscles

When they are stressed, the muscles become easily tense, which makes them more tired. Following the condition of headache, joint injury, muscle spasms, backache, shoulder pain. To avoid it, you should stop exercising until the pain subsides.

4. Impaired digestive system

Stress affects how food circulates in your body and can cause constipation, diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain, nausea and others. When you are depressed, your liver is forced to break down more sugar. As a result, sugar levels are higher to balance the energy.

5. Increased heart rate

Your heart rate increases under pressure. This happens because the amount of blood is pumped throughout the body to provide enough oxygen. In addition, muscles need more oxygen, including brain cells to prevent strokes.

6. Respiratory disorders

Stress hormones cause chaos in your respiratory system. You easily become short of breath, because the amount of oxygen that is transported through the body. If you already have a history of breathing problems, the symptoms may get worse. So, first prevent the risk of disease so as not to endanger it.

Well, to avoid risking the disease that has been mentioned, there is a simple way to reduce stress. Here is what you will need to review.

1. Meditate on your activities for a day, at least five minutes and take a deep breath.

2. If necessary, ask for help from a professional who can help you solve your problem.

3. Be grateful for what you have and do not run away from a haunting problem.

4. Eat healthy foods and drinks that can prevent stress.

5. Share with family, spouse or close friends if you have problems that are a burden of stressors.


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