Women suffering from insomnia have a greater risk to health. It's a threat of disease The difficulty of sleeping or better known as insomnia adds to the risk of heart problems and, according to scientists, the same adverse effects remain


TRIBUNJAMBI.COM – Studies reveal that women who have difficulty falling asleep are at higher risk for high blood pressure and heart disease. saw even if a person managed to sleep for seven to nine hours.

Experts say, women have more trouble sleeping difficulties than men with twice the ratio. Difficulty sleeping on women and they also have a double negative effect on their health.

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The badociation between blood pressure and sleep, in more than 300 women .

The result suggests that more attention should be paid to women's sleep patterns when doctors see the heart health of a patient


The human body recovers by sleeping and resting sufficiently is essential to maintain good physical and mental health.

However, there are various reasons why people have difficulty falling asleep and are mainly badociated with lifestyle. Modern people who work for hours until they experience stress, bad eating habits, and min Uman and drugs. Also impressed that they have a room too bright or noisy can also cause human sleep disorders.

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Read: PHOTO GALLERY: Malaysia Drag Again 6 Sardine Products Race, Difficulty sleeping significantly increases blood pressure of women and men Studies have shown that disorders such as difficulty sleeping, insomnia, or insomnia greatly increase blood pressure in women

. Percent of women who participated in this study had poor sleep quality

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