8 Benefits Of Lime Lime Drinking Water At Night For Health – Depok


1. Calm the mind

The warmth and distinctive aroma of lime can refresh the mind so that the brain relaxes. the active substance content can also restore organ function after a full day's work. you can squeeze the lemon and mix it with lukewarm water according to your taste at night.

2. Helping the process of detoxification

At night, the body will work more in the process of expelling toxins or toxins. The intake of vitamins and active substances in the lemon will greatly help the process of detoxification in the body.

3. Preventing tumor growth

Limes that are consumed directly or that have been treated with extortion and then mixed with hot water have the same benefits. The content of active substances called naringenin in lime can improve the nucleic acid deoxyribose or better known as DNA. Naringenin is an active substance contained in various citrus variants and is able to prevent the growth of tumors in the human body.

4. Lose Weight

For those of you who are obese or overweight, you should regularly drink hot lemon juice at night to get the ideal body weight and avoid the health problems caused by l? obesity. High levels of vitamin C, potbadium and folate can reduce body fat levels

5. Reduce cholesterol levels

When you regularly consume lime juice with the help of hot water during the night in appropriate doses, the various vitamin and active substance intake contained in oranges may have a positive impact on your health. The production of substances of apo B by the liver cells will be prevented by the performance of an active substance called limonin. The increased substance apo B is a great message in raising cholesterol levels in the body. the bad cholesterol levels will be removed so that good levels of cholesterol in the body can increase.

6. Launch of the digestive system

Digestive system that does not work to maximum can potentially bring health problems that attack the intestines and the stomach. The active ingredient in lime can improve colon performance. In addition, the fiber content of lime can smooth the performance of the large intestine by repelling excrement so as to avoid the difficulty of defecation or constipation

7. Improve the immune system

The benefits of drinking hot lemon juice at night are very beneficial to support the performance of the immune system, so that the body does not easily fall ill. The vitamin B content, such as B6 vitamins, tiamine, niacin and pantothenic acid, can promote the performance of the central nervous system and support the immune system itself.

8. Overcoming inflammation and helping the process of new cells

In a medium of lime fruit contains vitamin A 6 mcg and choline 3 mg. The body needs vitamin A intake in the healing process of inflammation and help the process of forming new cells in the body. In addition, the folate content can enter the body when you drink hot lemon juice at night. Folate is a very necessary substance for pregnant women in anticipation of the birth of a disabled baby.

Source: benefits.co.id

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