Rarely performed, this is the hallmark of thyroid cancer, almost like the flu


SERAMBINEWS.COM – Known for its important functions, the metabolism and heart rate of the body are controlled by the hormones produced by the thyroid gland

This butterfly-shaped gland is located between the neck and the upper part of the sternum [19659002] With its functions closely related to the metabolism of the body, it is important for us to prevent serious diseases such as thyroid cancer.

John Morris, MD, former president of the American Thyroid Association (ATA) and endocrinologist at the Mayo Clinic. 75% of thyroid cancers occur in women

Morris explains that thyroid cancer and autoimmune diseases such as hyperthyroidism (hyperthyroidism) and hypothyroidism (less active thyroid) are much more common among younger women than men

. If left, the thyroid problem can increase the risk of thyroid cancer.

Read: Baby case found in the refrigerator at Ru In addition, thyroid cancer is still relatively rare with about 64,000 new diagnoses in 2016, compared to more than 240,000 bad cancers and 135,000 diagnoses of cancer. colon the same year.

Most cases are diagnosed early and have a very low mortality rate

However, it is important for us to know the characteristics of thyroid cancer, as follows:

1. Mbad in the neck

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