Very cold air recently, it's a disease to watch out for


Jakarta – Recently, several cities of the island of Java experienced cold temperatures as they are usually not in the afternoon, in the evening, early on morning, even before the morning

recorded reached 24 degrees Celsius, while in Bandung reached 17 degrees Celsius. The most extreme occur on the Dieng Plateau in central Java, which reached 0 degrees Celsius during the dry season

. The cold temperatures that have occurred in recent days can surely disrupt the immune system. Gynecologist Dr. Ari Fahrial Syam, SpPD-KGEH said that there are two diseases that can occur because of the disease.

According to the message received detikHealth, the first Ari said that chronic diseases that were previously experienced natural communities may relapse.

"Chronic diseases already present in the community will experience a recurrence due to cold air, among others, asthma (shortness of breath), allergic cold (allergic rhinitis), sinusitis and skin allergies due to l? cold air causing bumps and itching ".

While the second is a direct health disorder caused by cold air, such as dry skin, the skin of the soles of the feet crack, crack on the lips, and sometimes nosebleeds

"If exposure to cold air continues to occur will decrease body temperature (hypothermia), of course, this will disrupt the community," continued the doctor who also served as dean of the Faculty of Medicine Unive rsitas Indonesia itu.

Even worse, the community may be infected with a virus or bacteria. "If the upper respiratory tract infection is not anticipated well, it will continue to be a lung infection," Dr. Ari added.

Dr. Ari also recalled that there are people who include those in high-risk groups, such as the elderly, children, and toddlers. As well as people with chronic diseases, such as diabetes, heart and vascular disorders, or thyroid disorders.

(wdw / up)

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