MSG able to increase dietary intake in the elderly?


Illustration – Idiva, JAKARTA – Monosodium glutamate, otherwise known as MSG, is able to increase food intake in the elderly

. Johannes Chandrawinata, Minister of the DN, SpGK. According to him, to maintain the taste of food and increase food intake in the elderly, one must give MSG

"It turns out that MSG in low-salt foods can give food to the elderly. effect of delicious flavor equivalent to normal salty food ".

Johannes added, there are currently many seniors who have problems with nutrition. The factors are also varied, such as the use of dental prostheses containing metal and may affect taste, up to age.

"The increase in age can affect the reduction of taste sensors on the tongue and the oral cavity." He explained.

In addition, the elderly have also experienced a decrease in the production of saliva (saliva) that serves to swallow, helps with the digestion of starch, and carbohydrates. "Beyond that, there are also seniors who experience a reduction in gastric production that affects the loss of appetite," he continues.

This is where the role of MSG is needed. Johannes mentioned that MSG gives an idea of ​​umami or taste, so food tastes better

"MSG also stimulates saliva production so that the taste buds of the tongue and mouth can better Johannes believes that giving monosodium glutamate to the food of the elderly will stimulate the release of gastric juice, so that the appetite will increase and the digestion of the stomach will become smoother

. Johannes has not been widely known to the public.In fact, the opposite is true.Many are campaigning on the ugliness of MSG

.At present, says Johannes, there are many studies on the denial of the ugliness of MSG. "As part of the study, participants received a breakfast without MSG and were divided into three groups with placebo capsules (MSG capsules), MSG capsules 1.5 g, and capsules with 3 grams of MSG. The result proves that headache, time, numbness and thirst in three groups are the same, "he concluded

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