3 million people of natural Jabar Problems of psychology


TRIBUNJABAR.ID, BANDUNG – On the total population of West Java, up to 45 million people, the number of people with mental disorders (Java) reaches 1.6 % or 72,000 people, while people with psychiatric problems (ODMK) Teddy Hidayat, coordinator of the mental community of the psychiatric community, said that according to data from the BPS in 2013, mental health conditions in West Java seem more and more worried as 10.7% or 1008 people of 7200 ODGJ experienced deprivation.

Patients with severe mental illness who can access health services are still under 10%

"The treatment of mental disorders in West Java is still 90%," said Teddy in a seminar. mental health at Melinda Hospital 2 in Bandung on Saturday (14/7).

Every day, said Teddy, 7,200 ODG J requires hospital care, but those who need intensive care are left with modest care in the community with the potential for illness and death are high, even they know the violence as deprivation.

Not to mention, he says, three million people with emotional mental disorders like depression and anxiety. In other words, 1 out of 10 Java residents have psychiatric problems.

Also high-risk groups of mental disorders such as street children, the elderly, HIV-positive people and LGBT people


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They barely receive psychiatric treatment

Although the law number 18 Year 2014 About Health The Soul was published four years ago, said Teddy, but the benefits to society have not been felt.

Especially in the region, facilities and human resources to cope with psychiatric problems are still lacking.

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