Breastfeeding when pregnant, what should be understood? – Health

[ad_1] – Breastfeeding is the best choice that most mothers do when they have just delivered their baby

Ideally, a mother would exclusively badfeed her baby for 6 months. The next step is MPASI or complementary foods of bad milk. This step is at least until the baby is 1 year old.

But, what if you are still pregnant while you are badfeeding? You start to wonder if badfeeding during pregnancy is a good thing.

In fact, there are many things to consider when badfeeding during pregnancy.

So, should you badfeed when you are pregnant?

You can still badfeed during pregnancy if you are in good health and do not have high-risk pregnancies.

Make sure your body contains enough nutrients for the baby and the fetus.

What risk factors can be experienced when badfeeding babies during pregnancy?

The hormone oxytocin starts working when the mother is ready to badfeed. This hormone is also responsible for stimulating work during pregnancy

That is why nipple stimulation is a good way to induce labor if you have exceeded the date of birth.

Breastfeeding and the release of oxytocin may cause uterine contractions. But this contraction is not a risk factor for miscarriage or premature labor.

But if the doctor considers that your pregnancy is at high risk or risk of giving birth prematurely, it may be prudent to wean your baby from bad milk.

You do not have to worry about pregnancy hormones that are contagious to the baby in bad milk and that can affect the quality of bad milk itself. Because, only a few pregnancy hormones are transferred through bad milk. It's not enough to harm badfed babies.

Can you continue to badfeed a toddler during pregnancy? Breastfeeding can be very tiring. But in the end, it's your choice for badfeeding or not. Note that you may also experience physical discomfort, such as feeling anxious when you are badfeeding toddlers. But if you can cope with it, it may be the right choice

Will the baby have enough milk during badfeeding at the time of pregnancy?

It seems that during the fourth or fifth month of pregnancy by pregnant women has decreased. The taste of milk has also changed. Your baby or toddler will probably feel different and refuse to badfeed.

You may be sad that the badfeeding relationship with the older child is over. But understand that your child has decided that the period of badfeeding is over. You must also respect this decision. You'll soon have another child to feed

What are the things that inevitably require you to stop badfeeding your baby during pregnancy?

If you are diagnosed with a high-risk pregnancy
2. If you have a chance to give birth early.
3. If you have badl bleeding.
4. If you have experienced uterine pain.
5. If you are asked not to have bad.
6. If you have multiple pregnancies

What should you do when you want to badfeed during pregnancy?

1. Write down the duration of badfeeding
Make sure you do not badfeed your baby for long periods. This will cause a lot of pain to your bad. Because during pregnancy, your bads will become very sensitive, tender and painful. Breastfeeding too long can make the problem worse.

2. Make sure the baby sticks correctly to your nipple
Hormones are responsible for discomfort in your bad. If your baby is not doing well while he is sucking, it can cause a lot of discomfort and pain.

3. Start stopping badfeeding at night
If your baby has a habit of drinking milk while wanting to sleep at night, you must change this habit. Breastfeeding at night will cause problems. Because the baby in your stomach also needs to eat. You should start an alternative method to calm your baby to sleep. Like patting, rocking or singing for your baby.

4. Proper Nutrition
Lactation during pregnancy means that you must provide food to newborns and babies in the womb. The goal, so they are not malnourished. This means that you must eat 500 calories to support your badfeeding activities and up to 450 calories to support your baby. [Boldsky]

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