Hunger continues to come in PMS, why?


Abdominal pain, continue to be hungry and headaches continue to happen every month to many women around the world. These three symptoms usually occur because of the ever-closer menstrual calendar.

One of the most common experiences of PMS (premenstrual syndrome) is the feeling of always being hungry and getting a person to want to continue eating. This can be a very disturbing thing for those who want to lose weight. But, why does this continue to happen to women who will enter their menstrual calendar? What are the causes of continual hunger?

Fluctuations in estrogen and progesterone hormones increase then decrease, just before the onset of menstruation, which causes hunger and it is completely normal. 12 to 16 days before menstruation, your body is getting ready to get pregnant. The body wants to stay charged and watch, so that the hormones estrogen and progesterone that continue to increase during these times trigger the response of hunger.

And also, before menstruation, 15% of calories burned hungry. When the menstrual cycle is active, the days of your periods come for your body to do a little more work, such as burning more calories for your basal metabolic rate to go up.

And to get the required amount of calories, your body sends signals to the brain making you hungry more often.

So, how to control hunger during menstruation? Just listen to your body. If you really want to satisfy your hunger cravings by eating less nutritious foods for example, eat but limit just one serving, no more.

If you continue to be hungry and want to eat a lot of food during periods of PMS please follow the tips above.

Article by Claudia Ramadhani

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