5 False Myths About Diabetes Consumption Rules


Diabetes is one of many diseases that require special treatment. That's why, patients and families with diabetes should be careful when applying the right diet.

Unfortunately, there are still many myths circulating around the diet for diabetes. Nothing, huh? And how is the truth? Listening to the following account

Various myths about diet for diabetes

1. "People with diabetes should avoid breakfast"

Fact: High blood sugar levels are not a reason for you to skip breakfast. Kelly O 'Connor, RD of Mercy Medical Center, Baltimore, said that starting the day with a breakfast is beneficial in providing optimal fuel for a smooth body work.

When you do not take breakfast cells from the body so that the body will produce its own sugar from the sugar reserves in the body that eventually it produces blood sugar that is too high. In fact, research shows that not having breakfast increases the risk of obesity and insulin resistance.

Therefore, try to have breakfast at the same time each day to maintain a constant blood sugar level. An alternative to a healthy breakfast is to avoid fried foods, high in fats, but choose high protein fiber.

2. "Diabetics should not eat sweet"

  Diabetic sugary foods

People with diabetes should limit the consumption of sugary foods or other foods containing sugar. However, this does not mean that people with diabetes should not eat sugary foods at all.

People with diabetes can occasionally eat sugary but small portions and limit it only once a week. Or if you want to eat sweet every day, choose sweet foods but contain other good nutrients, like fruits, fruits have a sweet taste but rich in fiber and other nutrients.

You can eat daily glycemic fruits, like apples, grapes, oranges or pears. And do not forget to pay attention to the party, not to excess. In addition, you can use a low calorie sweetener as an alternative to sugar substitution.

3. "People with diabetes should not be snacking"

  Snack recipes

Meanwhile, many people think that snacking can cause an increase in blood sugar and blood sugar levels. weight. Thus, both are greatly avoided by diabetics. In fact, you can still nibble even if you have been diagnosed with diabetes.

The key, choose a healthy and safe snack for diabetics so you do not drastically increase blood sugar. One you can try is snack bar with basic soy ingredients. The reason is that soy is not only rich in protein and fiber but also has a low glycemic index (GI).

Low glycemic foods like soy contain enough fiber to be digested perlahandi in the body. Finally, the increase in blood sugar did not immediately jump. Not only that, foods with a low glycemic index can also make you longer longer so as to avoid overeating when they are eaten before a big meal

4. "People with diabetes should not consume carbohydrates"

  Carbohydrate Source

The fact is: Carbohydrates are not always bad and harmful for diabetics. More importantly, you always consider the amount and type of carbohydrates you consume. Because there are not all the carbohydrates that should be avoided.

There are still carbohydrates with a low glycemic index, which is good for diabetics, including soy, red rice, oats and whole grains. Eating food with some of the fitting can help keep your blood sugar levels stable.

5. " Healthy Eating Can Cure Diabetes "

  Diet Fasting

The fact: Diabetes has not yet been cured. The right diet can not cure diabetes, but it can help control blood sugar levels to prevent diabetes complications.

If you are diabetic, especially type 2 diabetes, the insulin produced in the body may not work optimally. sugar from food, making energy for working cells in the body.

As a result, if you consume too much sugar, it will accumulate in your bloodstream, causing your blood sugar level to rise quickly. The solution, obey the rules of diet for diabetes, by eating healthy foods such as soy-based snack bars and limit foods that can trigger an increase in blood sugar levels, such as sweet drinks, cakes or keik too sweet. "5 The False Myths About Diabetic Consumption Rules" From Healthy Websites Hello.


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