The MR vaccine is not destructive for the generation of nations


Today, Pkl. 08:17 WIB • Read: 69 times •

MedanBisnis –
Medan. The number of negative problems related to disease problems that spread
is creating certain parts to ensure a powerful product and
(UNICEF) Rizky Ika Syafitri says the community has a lot of questions and stigma, ranging from conspiracy issues to halal and illegal immune vaccines.

Communications Specialist for Change United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) But this becomes an important lesson for his side, how to educate the public. Because the community is so easy to share things without looking at their sources and data.

"A child with autism, linked after vaccination, also arrived a few years ago, but this stigmatization has been refuted by a large study and remains concerned, so it is an apprenticeship and it is is important to balance it, "Rizky told MedanBisnis in Medan on Monday (30/7).

The government and the government are trying to provide free vaccines to children, including the poor.
[19659003] "The vaccine is a qualified MR vaccine (Measles Rubella) and the goal is the same as the MMR vaccine," he said.

He says that if vaccination coverage is low, he will be susceptible to various diseases He arrives in West Java

"If our children are lucky to have a healthy diet every day, do not worry too much, but children from poor families, poor nutrition and nutrition. hygiene will be easily exposed. "not always hand in hand with the government, may s because of the vaccination and because the question is strong, so polisupport. Kineng Pinta Karana, UNICEF / UNICEF Media Specialist, added that UNICEF guarantees that all children in 190 countries can be protected and enjoy their rights, including the right to health and the right to grow and To have the best life possible.

Especially in Indonesia, he added, vaccination obtained legal status, from the 1945 Constitution Article 28, Child Protection Act No. 36 and Law on health No. 36 of 2009.

Dinkes Sumut) stated that the biggest challenge to socialize the MR (rubella measles) vaccine is related to the halal and haramnya vaccine.

Thus, most Islamic schools and Islamic boarding schools in Indonesia reject the vaccine.

"We are continually trying to socialize the vaccine and we have also asked for the MUI fatwa on halal and the ban on this vaccine, linked to MR vaccine, MUI gave Fatwa number 4 Year 2016 on Immunization, referring to the letter from the Directorate General and Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) Ministry of Health number UM.01.05 / 4/1172/2017 dated 21 July, regarding support to the campaign and the Introduction of rubella vaccination (MR) in 2017 and 2018.

This fatwa responded Muslims' doubts to immunize, "said Sumatra Sumatra Agustama's health office chief represented by the health monitoring and immunization office Sumut Suhadi SKM MKes at MedanBisnis in Medan, Monday (30/7)

He said that the vaccine is produced in India and China. However, with a rigorous process to check in the BPOM lab. Who has pbaded the production of this vaccine is only PT Bio Farma, which is centered in India

"All Islamic countries in the world use this vaccine.On this vaccine is certainly safe.If in Islamic schools and boarding schools rejected it's good, it's hard to socialize, but we'll continue to work, "he said.

He added that Indonesia is a member of the World Health Organization (WHO). If you do not follow this, Indonesia may be subject to penalties. "If we dare to refuse, we must dare to leave the WHO, but as a result, our country will suffer," he said.

He explained that according to the WHO, Indonesia is a developing country, but nutrition is good. In addition, this vaccine for the health of the child. The rubella virus does not cause direct death.

The effect causes paralysis or permanent disability in the vital organs of the child, such as the eyes, ears and motor of the child. From inside the uterus can already be detected if the pregnant woman is infected with rubella, and this can be transmitted to the fetus

"What is feared for the next 10-20 years Our children will suffer from disability, as the case of polio. ", he said. (Dewi syahruni lubis)

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