Eve, here are 4 causes of your weight increase during menstruation


PortalMadura.Com – During menstruation or menstruation, some women have the impression of gaining weight. This is indicated by a stomach that feels bigger than usual. Apparently, it's not just a feeling.

"Usually, the weight will increase from 0.5 to 1.3 kg," said Cleveland Clinic gynecologist Monica Svets, MD.

For this reason, it is necessary to know some common causes of weight gain during menstruation in order to be able to anticipate obesity. Something?

The hormonal change triggers the body's water retention

Towards menstruation, your body may look bulging and full. It's not just a feeling. In fact, the body will retain water during the menses, which will make you a little fuller and increase your weight.

"Fluctuations in hormones secreted by the adrenal gland called aldosterone cause water retention (excessive accumulation of fluid in the body)," said Dr. Svets.

However, you do not need to worry. According to gynecologists at Northwestern Memorial Hospital in Chicago, Angela Chaudhari, MD, the retention of water in your tissues will be automatically eliminated after the drop in hormone levels.

You are having cravings

You often want to eat chocolate, cheese and ice cream during your period. It's a very normal thing. The desire to eat fast foods that frustrate the diet will indeed be higher when it comes to months.

But researchers still do not know why women need food before menstruation.

"The exact cause of the desire is still unknown, but as far as we know, the high levels of progesterone during menstruation seem to have an effect, so that women are more motivated, before menstruation, to eat high-fat foods, in salt and sugar, "said Dr. Dr. Chaudhari.

But, you should not be easily prompted by hormones. Continue to apply a healthy diet during menstruation. Because, according to Dr. Chaudhari, eating too much candy will reduce your energy. If you want to satisfy your tongue, it's better to choose dark chocolate or peanut butter that is low in sugar and salt, compared to other high-sugar snacks.

You are not powerful to play sports

Honestly, the desire to get up from bed and exercise is difficult during menstruation. This is an explanation. According to Dr. Chaudhari, at the beginning of menstruation, your hormone levels will drop immediately. Women then have less energy.

If this is combined with the consumption of high-fat foods and sugar, the effect is of course that the waistline becomes more plentiful. But, you should always reserve time to move. A number of studies show that exercise can reduce the symptoms of PMS and menstrual pain.

In addition, if you feel that your body weight is heavy, both during menstruation and at other times, the only way to improve it is to move.

The digestive tract does not work properly

"Your hormones (especially progesterone) are the cause of flatulence and gas," said Dr. Chaudhari. Menstruation can also trigger changes in stool that make you feel uncomfortable.

The best way to treat constipation and other stomach problems, continued Dr. Chaudhari, is to increase water consumption, to move more actively and to consume a lot of fiber. (liputan6.com/Salimah)
After Eve, here are 4 Causes of the increase in your weight when menstruation appeared for the first time PortalMadura.com.
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