A free kidney transplant at RSUZA, patients do not need to pay hundreds of millions of rupees


Eddy Fitriady Report | Banda Aceh

SERAMBINEWS.COM, BANDA ACEH – Director of Dr. Zainoel Abidin (RSUZA) General Hospital Dr. Dr. Azharuddin SpOT (K) revealed that during this time patients with renal failure and their families, often misunderstood about the financing of kidney transplant (transplant) operations at the hospital

Up to now, patients with renal failure are reluctant to perform kidney transplants because they can not afford the cost of hundreds of millions of rupees.

They prefer perpetual dialysis through ignorance. , a kidney transplant operation at RSUZA Banda Aceh is fully covered by the BPJS Health for Clbad 3 participants, without aliases.

Read: RSUZA Third kidney surge operation, from sister to Abang Kandung

According to him, the patient's family did not have to think about the cost of a kidney transplant which, if it rose to 400 million rupees per patient

"So do not worry, although the price is about half a billion, kidney transplants are free for BPJS participants", he said.

He added that the number of dialysis patients in Aceh is quite high, both in RSUZA and in district / city hospitals.

Read: Success RSUZA Second Renal Graft

For this, kidney transplant is the best choice for patients with kidney failure

"If only people knew that the process could be Banda Aceh and the close relatives would share their kidneys Because we can live with one kidney, do not worry too much, "says Azharuddin

Note that RSUZA Banda Aceh is again performing a kidney transplant (transplantation kidney) for the third time, Monday (9/7/2018) .The RSUZA medical team badisted by the renal transplant team of the Cipto Mangunkusumo General Hospital (RSCM) in Jakarta, performed a kidney transplant in Muharuddin who received a donor kidney from his biological brother, Sri Muliana (*)

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