Acne with the smell of the mouth, these 5 signs of hyperglycemia often ignored


BANGKAPOS.COM – Hyperglycemia or as often known high levels of blood sugar is a common disease that affects many people.

Hyperglycemia occurs when the body does not have adequate insulin due to insulin resistance. The insulin itself kebaradaannya very important for meyalurkan blood sugar to all cells of the body and convert it into energy.

When hyperglycemia is ignored, it can trigger dangerous diseases such as diabetes, cancer, heart disease, stroke and metabolic system disorders.

Read: Who would have ever seen the appearance of Ndeso? often badociated with people with diabetes, but people who do not have diabetes can also have this problem. Well here are some signs when the blood sugar jumped high, identify and do not ignore.

1 Appearance of Acne

If acne appears too often and in large amounts you should immediately check your blood sugar level. Because acne can also appear due to hyperglycemia.

Very high levels of glucose can trigger insulin to produce more sebaceous glands and this will trigger inflammation of the skin and acne.

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2 Often thirsty and thirsty Continuous urine

Hyperglycemia can trigger an endless thirst, due to impaired renal function due to the instability of blood sugar. Usually accompanied by a constant urge to taste, but the water that sometimes comes out a little and light pale color.

3 Easily tired

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