Advantages of mouthwash for oral health


The health

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Thursday, November 8, 2018 | 1:02 WIB
Read: 29 visitors

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[NEWSmedia] – The use of mouthwash or commonly called mouthwash can complete the routine badociated with your mouth on a daily basis. This means that the mouthwash can not be used as a substitute for toothbrushes.

Few people know that there are actually two types of mouthwash that can be selected as needed. These are cosmetic and therapeutic mouthwashes. Cosmetic mouthwashes can control bad breath and leave a pleasant taste.

But it has no chemical or biological content because of its temporary nature. In other words, if a mouthwash product does not kill the bacteria that cause bad breath, it means that the benefits are only cosmetic.

While the therapeutic mouthwash contains active ingredients to help overcome or reduce conditions such as bad breath, gingivitis, plaque and tooth decay. Active ingredients that can be used for therapeutic mouthwashes include cetylpyridinium chloride, essential oils, fluoride and peroxide.

Here are some of the benefits of mouthwash for maintaining your oral health:

1. Refreshes the breath

This is especially valid for cosmetic mouthwashes, this can reduce bad breath. With a variety of flavors to choose from, the benefits of this mouthwash can temporarily kill the bacteria that cause halitosis and give fresh breath to mint.

2. Blocking of the plate buildup

Various helpful mouthwashes help prevent build-up of plaque on the gums, between the teeth and on the surface of the teeth when brushing. While this may reduce plaque buildup, it can not reduce the plaque that already exists on your teeth. So always think about brushing your teeth diligently.

3. Reduce cavities

Gargling with fluoride mouthwashes can effectively reduce cavities. Many studies have been conducted on the benefits of fluoride in reducing demineralization and holes in the teeth.

4. fight gum disease

With periodontal disease such as inflammation of the gums, the gums and teeth may swell or infect because of the bacterial plaque and the food that attaches to it.

The antibacterial mouthwash, which contains alcohol or chlorhexidine, is likely to prevent gum disease.

5. Relieves canker sores

The benefits of mouthwash can relieve thrush, by detoxifying the area in question. This is considered effective in reducing the number of bacteria that can irritate the affected area.

6. Protect pregnancy

Periodontal disease is a risk factor for premature infants and underweight babies. Indeed, bacteria from gum infections can infiltrate the bloodstream of pregnant women and increase swelling, which can stimulate contractions.

The latest study, published in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, found that future mothers who use a mouthwash during pregnancy have very little chance of giving birth prematurely.

7. To whiten teeth

Mouthwash does not have the same impact as teeth whitening treatments. But one of the benefits of therapeutic mouthwash is the whitening effect if it is used in the long run. If this is your goal, look for a mouthwash containing carbamide peroxide as one of the active ingredients.

Based on the list of benefits of the above mouthwash, the mouthwash actually provides pleasant benefits. But it's important to know that not all mouthwashes are the same. The gargle can also use salt water that can be prepared alone at home using lukewarm water and salt. Mouthwashes sold on the market contain a variety of ingredients ranging from fluoride to alcohol or clorhexidine.

Do not forget that mouthwash is not recommended in children under six years old. This is due to the swallowing reflex that is not yet fully developed in children of this age.

It is therefore possible that they accidentally swallow a large amount of mouthwash, which triggers side effects such as nausea, vomiting and even poisoning. For this, be sure to always check the product labels for more specific warnings and recommendations regarding minimum age. [go-dok]

Editor: Newsmedia

Publisher: Mulyadi


Advantages of mouthwash for oral health

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