Air hostess faces a higher cancer risk


– A recent study found that flight attendants are at higher risk for bad cancer and skin cancer.

Harvard researchers found that flight attendants had a 51% higher rate of bad cancer. Meanwhile, the rate of melanoma and non-melanoma in skin cancer is about two to four times higher.

However, senior researcher Eileen McNeely said she found no reason for the high risk of cancer. "There is a lot of speculation about exposure to cosmic ionizing radiation," says McNeely, who works as an environmental health instructor at Harvard School of Public Health

. . It refers to radiation from outer space. At the height of the flight, people are exposed to higher cosmic radiation.

But McNeely pointed out that no one knows for sure whether cosmic radiation is responsible for an increased risk of cancer among flight attendants

. flight attendants may also be in contact with a number of chemicals. And flight crews face constant changes in time zones and irregular sleep schedules, which interfere with the body's circadian rhythms.

Circadian dysfunction of shiftwork is badociated with an increased risk of obesity and heart disease

McNeely and his team found evidence that the more flight attendants are at work, the greater the risk of cancer is tall. face. He supports the theory that workplace exposure is the culprit, McNeely says.

The study is based on 5,366 flight attendants. They were asked about their health in 2014-15, when they were on average 52 years old.

Tim McNeely compared their cancer rates with a nationally representative sample of 2729 adults with similar demographics.

These results are published on June 25 in the journal Environmental Health.

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