Albumin Gabus and Astaxantin Fish with Type II Diabetes Injuries


SURABAYA, – The International Diabetes Federation (IDF) releases 90% of people worldwide with type II diabetes mellitus (DM). In Indonesia, based on the results of basic medical research, 6.9% of 176,689,336 people aged 15 and over, or about 12,191,564 people with type II diabetes

. They only realize when there is a disturbance or a real sign such as blackened lesions and ulcers. The lesion of patients with type II diabetes occurs because there are certain conditions in the body of patients with oxygen deficiency due to poor blood circulation.

The reduction of oxidative stress levels in the tissues becomes the main principle of its recovery. Sources of oxidative stress resulting from increased free radical production due to glucose autoadsidation, reduced concentrations of low molecular weight antioxidants in tissue and activity antioxidant enzymatic defense.

The PKM-PE team of Airlangga University The Faculty of Fisheries and Navy has succeeded in creating an ointment that can be used to accelerate the healing of wounds caused by type II diabetes. The PKM-PE team was composed of Aida Nuraini, Siti Nur Rohmah and Rizky Yanuar Rahmadan

. The research proposal on his breakthrough effort titled "The combination of albumin fish Gabus (Channa striata) with Astaxantin antioxidant action on commercial ointment as an effort to accelerate the healing of wounds of Type II diabetes "has pbaded the badessment Kemenristekdikti," We have an alternative solution to overcome this problem by creating an ointment that is formulated with cork and astaxantin fish albumin as a treatment step for Type II diabetes mellitus, "said Aida Nuraini. , chairman of this PKM-PE team.

Students who are currently on the fourth semester have said that the handling of type II diabetes wounds, until now, is still a prevention effort. There is still no specific treatment directed at the source of the trigger, namely cell damage and oxidative stress. Proper targeting of the cause of the disease would further accelerate the healing and healing process of the wounds.

Aida added that cork (Channa striata) is a fish that has the potential to be used in the process of accelerating the healing and recovery of wounds caused by type II diabetes . This is because cork contains a globular protein called albumin that is useful for healing wounds.

"Albumin is unique in that it stimulates cell proliferation so that the cells that die can be replaced or regenerated by new cells. In addition, it is very useful to counteract the effects of Oxidative stress in diabetic wounds, "adds Aida.

Also explained that astaxantin reduces the production of reactive species of oxygen in the wound, thus minimizing oxidative stress that inhibits wound healing

In order to see the potential of the formulation, Aida Dkk performed a series of tests. "Our hope, this research may be an innovative treatment of type II diabetes mellitus wounds that can be used at any time. future, "said Aida Nuraini (yul / ns)

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